Friday, November 27, 2009

It Has Reawakened!

This is the last comment on the previous thread:

Anonymous said...

I know who you are, Canuck. Using your employer's computer to publish hate-filled slander will cost you your job. Karma is such a bitch, isn't it?

November 27, 2009 2:10 PM

Thursday, November 19, 2009

One For The Scrapbook

UnaBlogger The Editor said...

It's interesting that on the other blog I'm accused of being a narcissist, yet all they do is write about me and every little piece of minutia that they can come up with about me, whether it is true or not. They post solely to slam me and a couple of others. Meanwhile, at least MM is trying to keep the discourse open. The other blog sounds like the ravings of a lunatic cyber stalker.

November 14, 2009 12:20 PM

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Another Blog Starts Up

The incoherence and insanity of Sharon Bowers has prompted another person to start a blog. Visit Mighty Mouth's blog. Discuss the issues of Fort Erie there since Sharon only allows people who sing in the same tune as her choir to be posted or if she can come up with a response.

In order to keep the Mighty Mouth as a forum to discuss the issues of the town as a rebuttal to her psychotic delusions, this blog will continue as a forum as an outlet against Sharon's sociopathy.

Discuss issues there. Discuss Sharon here.

Here's a post from Sharon, her Manifesto. In effect it says Ann Marie Noyes and Bob Steckley are good. Everyone else is bad. Looks to me as if Noyes and Steckley are going down with Battleship Bowers too. Goodbye Ann Marie and Bob.

Can anyone tell us how many times her gloves have come off? Better to grip her enormous cheeks to get some hot air into that fart hole of hers.

Blogger The Editor said...

Here's to the person(s) who are complaining because I'm rejecting their posts:
Now that the election is less than a year away, the tone of this blog will become even more edgy and I will not be printing your self-serving BS posts. From now on, this blog will be openly working to unseat the present council and mayor. We will be working to oust Martha Lockwood (Ward 5) who has done nothingfor the ward except sell out to a developer; "Bully Boy" Tim Whitfield for being allowed to call another councillor a liar and demand her resignation when he lied in print about "threats" to himself; Rick Shular, who is trying so hard for acceptance in the Old Boys' Club that he'll vote against the best interestds of his constituency; Sandy Annunziata, who is too busy gathering photo ops for his proposed run for MPP to properly serve his ward. To Ann Marie and Bob Steckley who are alone in the morass of current council: stay put and seek re-election in your ward. Help and support is on the way. As to mayor: We will support the candidate who runs on the promise that the EDTC and the CGDC as separate corporations will be abolished and will return to town hall as departments. Both Jim Thibert and Russ Wilson will be fired and there will be a thorough efficiency study and hopefully, the top heavy, high paid senior staff will be reduced. (We are on the side of the beleaguered front line town workers who are bearing the brunt of the backlash against the incompetence emanating from town hall.) This town's management is cancerous. It will continue to kill this community if the people don't use their power to elect honest, accountable representatives. The gloves are off. Go write your slander and call me names all you want in the other blog. This is about the future of Fort Erie.

November 11, 2009 9:59 AM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Mighty Wind

I am going to laugh SO HARD when the whole story about Wasatch and Canadian Hydro Developers finally sinks in. The stuff they come up to blame on the Town is fucking incredible.