Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tell Us What Bugs You About That Cow

The editor challenged us to start our own blog. Here it is. All Sharon. All the time. Feel free to post.


Canuck said...

She's a nutbar. Totally fucked.

Anonymous said...

Not only is she crazy, she's stupid. She says that trucks weigh more when they're standing still on the bridge than when they're moving. Imagine that -- there's a new law of gravity.

Murph said...

She is, and all her timmies cronies in the beach, are just fucked right up.

I wonder if she is able to live here without a job. I would love to see how see got into the country in the first place. But fucked right up.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to check the voters lists for the past elections and see if she voted. She's not eligible to vote and the enumerators don't check for citizenship. That's a federal crime and would be a great addition to her resume.

Anonymous said...

We should have compassion for her because she is mentally diseased and has an eating disorder. We should all pray for her.

Anonymous said...

she just wants to be part of a group. she's and old lonely childless spinster. its just to bad that instead of lifting herself up she has to try to bring everybody else down because the thing she hates worse than anything else in the whole world is for someone to be succesful

Anonymous said...

It would not surprise me that she was terribly abused as a child. I just hope that there are people in the mental health industry who sees what she talks about and spreads the word and maybe it will get back to her psychiatrist and maybe start working on the real problem of internalized anger and self loathing and likely some kind of gender crisis

Anonymous said...

Her behavior is typical bully behavior.

Canuck said...

Remember those old monster movies -- the zombies -- slow, lumbering, stupid -- and they just go on and on and on.

Murph said...

I am so totally amazed of the diareha that comes from her brain. To read all of her posts and the galring mistakes in them are unbelievable. Her last one is the most mistake prone one yet. Read it and find them its hillarious.

Anonymous said...

You should leave Sharon alone. Everybody needs something to do.