Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cops are going after Sharon

It seems that threats to kill municipal councillors on the internet are being taken seriously enough by the NRP that they will send an undercover cop to city hall meetings and conduct an investigation. Read the story in the paper.

So when Herr Deleter posts comments that "I think someone should tie a rock around every Fort Erie City Hall staff and politician and toss them in the Niagara River" it would be worth investigating.

When she posts comments that individual citizens should be stalked, assaulted and "if they're murdered they had it coming" or they "should take a long walk off a short pier" it's clearly an illegal act.

When she accuses people of criminal acts, that is illegal too.

That hole she is digging is getting deeper. No amount of Prozac, Paxil or Percodan is going to help her.


Anonymous said...

That puts a whole new spin things. Inciting people to commit criminal offenses especially violence is a crime. Don't call a lawyer, call the police. I hope everybody saved and printed their threats. This blog should have a perp walk.

Anonymous said...

Thank god!.. someone who will speak the truth . I for one and sick and tired of being under her rath!.. The same with Crystal Beach...she was run out of here , that is why she hates us for doing what we are doing .. Voluntering and doing what we can to help the Town of Fort Erie thrive!.. She has bad mouthed me .. accused me ... oh i have to watch out .. my blood preasure is getting to me.!.. i will write more later .. i have sooooo much to say.. THANK YOU .. THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE !!!