Wednesday, May 7, 2008
1 comment:
- Anonymous said...
Dear Canuck,
Regarding your note to me today on my website, I am aware of the blog that has prompted the Crystal Beach Stranded and the person responsible for it. Yes, I will provide you any information I have.
No, I won't participate from my website in any of the pissing matches Sharon wants to start despite her false accusations against me and her attempts to incite me.
She has also taken to going after some people only because of their association with me -- not because they have any role in whatever abuse she feels she is suffering from government or society as a whole. Her criminal harassment has extended beyond the limited readership of her blog to other venues. This is why I have decided to post here and why I am happy to provide assistance in my areas of professional expertise pro buono. However, I am quite busy with a pair of part-time jobs, freelance assignments and consulting engagements as well as preparation of The Herald.
Unfortunately, I am not able to provide you some of documentation I have accumulated: the only people who will see it are those who can legally obligate me to surrender them.
Yes, I will accept your advertising in both the hard copy edition of The Herald and the website The Herald Online. My fees are very reasonable. As you can probably tell by Sharon's tirades, my newspaper is very influential.
There's a couple of errors recently posted about me in her blog:
First, that the stories I wrote were related to Tom Lewis' employer's work for the Friendship Centre. This is false. In fact, the stories were about his failure to declare conflicts of interest as it related to the development of a neighbourhood plan for Bridgeburg and his employment with a planning firm engaged by the Ambassador Bridge project. You can find the stories in the hard copy edition of The Herald at and
Second, that Mayor Doug Martin gave me a ride home after the council meeting. That too is false. Whoever was observing, whether John Gilmour, Costa Koutroulakis or Bob Steckley who was the last councillor I saw leave the building as I was interviewing Martin, got it wrong. In fact Martin was tasked with locking up the building and did so after I left with my bike. Not that I wouldn't accept a ride with the mayor. I have driven with him and others on more than one occasion in periods of severe weather or when I had some questions.
Bear this in mind as you develop this blog:
Logic and truth may not prevail in Sharon's world, but it does in the real world and in the legal world.
Also, understand that Sharon's behaviour is a text book case of psychological projection. Here's the Wikipedia entry on projection:
That is all I have for now. When you get your art set up -- I need it 260 pixels wide by about 75 pixels high for the website, but I'll put together the hard copy business card version -- let me know and I'll get things set up for you.
Mike Cloutier -
May 7, 2008 at 11:24 PM
Thank god!.. someone who will speak the truth . I for one am sick and tired of being under her wrath!.. The same with Crystal Beach...she was run out of here, that is why she hates us for doing what we are doing .. Voluntering and doing what we can to help the Town of Fort Erie thrive!.. She has bad mouthed me .. accused me ... oh i have to watch out .. my blood preasure is getting to me.!.. i will write more later .. i have sooooo much to say.. THANK YOU .. THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE !!!
May 6, 2008 7:19 PM