Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Big Load Of Bull
- Anonymous said...
Oh, woe is her lot, according to the UnaBlogger. Her "alleged" life has been difficult these past few months.
If she would smarten up and not be such a malingering and malignant turd, maybe Karma wouldn't be coming down so hard on her. -
June 20, 2009 at 2:26 PM
- Anonymous said...
can't we all just get along?
June 20, 2009 at 4:44 PM
- Anonymous said...
Ever try to get along with a rabid dog?
June 20, 2009 at 8:31 PM
- Anonymous said...
And now I see that we are going to have to take clesses in Klingon to follow her lead now.
June 24, 2009 at 4:20 PM
- Anonymous said...
Zawapadakis is a big trekkie. its Klingon for "I AM in the pockets of developers"
June 24, 2009 at 5:23 PM
- Anonymous said...
Looks like Klingon is off the table and making money are the words of the day. I think I saw a scam to raise money, like this one many years ago. Not totally sure but I will have to look for some information. And she says she dosn't read this blog.....well that's bullshit.
June 25, 2009 at 1:18 PM
- Anonymous said...
Bowels says she is trying to get back on track. She has never been on track! SHE'S ON THE CRAZY TRAIN WITH NABI AND PAPADAKASS!
August 12, 2009 at 4:22 PM
Editor, first let me state that I share yours and many other posters concerns regarding the proposed development and the shortcomings of our council. But i do have to pose some questions.
Regarding the alledged "bugging" of a local business, exactly what has been turned over to the police. Is it just a statement of this activity as I suspect that the video and audio tapes are in the possesion of the perpetrators.
That being said, the person who has actually seen these tapes must be in the company of those who have possesion of these tapes. You direct your discussion on this issue towards city hall, so you have lead us to assume that they are involved in this matter and you have an inside contact there supplying you with information or mis-information.
I do not undestand why you keep putting things off until the election. A lot can happen in a year and a half before the new council, or old, are sworn inTo keep putting off any action against the development until the election provides the current council ample time to vote this deal through.
As for the alledged tapes, this is a serious crime. You also are suggestion that the police are co-conspiring in this by not reacting and investigating this. Go to the RCMP. I would think it better to see the persons involved charged, jailed and removed from their council seats in a disgraced manner rather than making it an election issue where they simple lose the election over this issue.
We keep posting to get rid of this city council NOW, but when an overwhelming issue comes up that can certainly ruin the political careers of those involved, you choose not to react for another year.
I have to admit that you, the Editor, have a history of making statments suggestion an inpropriety and promising to report later on them, and they never seem to happen. You have done so three times in this thread already.
This is an earth shattering event, this alleged "bugging" that would rock city hall. Why wait?
June 20, 2009 7:21 AM
As far as I know, the "bugging" issue has been brought to the RCMP's attention. I was told of this situation by those who were "bugged." I suggested exactly what you have, but they are proceeding in this matter in their own way. That is why I haven't fully reported on it. The NRP is aware of the situation; the "bugs" had already been removed; and the investigation was dropped - even though an NRP officer overheard a telephone conversation where one person admitted to seeing and hearing tapes of private conversations conducted in the place of business. Someone is stonewalling this investigation and, if I had the time and money, I would pursue it further, but I'm trying to concentrate on the Bay Beach issue as that it critical. The town is moving on the Bay Beach situation very quickly and we must stop it! I will reread this thread and try to keep any promises I made. Frankly, the last several months have been very difficult for me personally. I'm trying very hard to get back on track.
June 20, 2009 11:05 AM