Monday, July 6, 2009
Ain't She A Piece Of Work!
Then, she launched into another person who wrote another letter to the editor. Her big problem -- it was over the 200-word limit and had grammar mistakes. She surmises that since he bought a home in Crystal Beach 15 years ago, he only likely only paid $20,000 but would never be able to get anything for less than $100,000 now. "Pay attention, Mr. Brown. We are," she says.
So these guys go out of their way to express their opinion, and the UnaBlogger says they are nothing but PR pieces for the Molinaro Group, and they are both personally insulted.
Pay attention, Sharon Bowers. We are.
- Anonymous said...
I was the one that posted the comment about the "sandbox" . I was prepared for her to come back calling me names like she did in the past .. but instead she challenged me to remind her of the names she has called others .. hummmm..I let that one go!..
As you can see on her blog today, she has "warned" the so called masses that her blog is going to get better and bigger... my response to that is..... Ms. B is finding more ways to lie, putting her own spin on things and hoping that no one will call her on it !
Remember her saying that there is an "investigation" going on about this or that !.. well , we are waiting for your reports .. we are waiting and waiting Sharon!.. jj -
July 7, 2009 at 6:53 AM
- Canuck said...
Promises, promises. I hope, and there's many others as well, that she does well and makes a lot of money so that it will make it worthwhile to sue her.
July 7, 2009 at 9:54 AM
- Cloutier said...
I'm most interested in knowing why a separate group was formed, the Keep Bay Beach Lands Public Association. It seems to me that a unified front is always the strongest and that the Friends of Crystal Beach were doing a good job of activating the community and speaking with authority and credibility.
I think there's an interesting "back story" as Sharon likes to call these things. Well, in truth, I know there is background. And while it might be the sort of stuff that The Buffalo News would build a story upon, it's still just a bunch of private citizens doing their thing so it's not really news.
On the other hand, they are trying to form public opinion and therefore there is a public interest, and so it could be classified as news.
Let's see, what would Sharon do in this situation . . .
1. Make a pot of coffee.
2. Write my three pages in longhand.
3. Go for a walk on the Friendship Trail, bringing toilet paper of course.
4. Find a quiet place to relax and "take a load off."
5. Wipe. Sniff. Dispose.
6. Ignore facts.
7. Make something up, ensuring, though, that I do it in the most demeaning and insulting way possible.
8. Post numerous comments to the post under the name of Anonymous.
9. Play some online puzzles.
10. Stare at my comments for hours on end, marveling at their clarity and incisiveness.
11. Make a few notes for my acceptance speech when I win the Poolitzer Prize. -
July 7, 2009 at 12:17 PM
- Anonymous said...
Her new blog is going to take it to a whole new level ---didnt know you get get much lower. Methinks it will be something on the line of "monkey see, monkey do" because el-Turdo has never had a single original thought in her life. Ole!
July 7, 2009 at 1:53 PM
- Anonymous said...
Someone should be keeping a close eye on the newly formed group and the Pres!!.. I see they are collecting donations.. watch where that money goes .. since someone is under investigation about trust funds and money missing from an estate.. i know i know .. you only want stuff about ms poopalot but she is the secretary or something ... she is always on the town about their spending habits!
July 12, 2009 at 6:46 AM
- Anonymous said...
Mike I do think that you will find that all anti government groups esentially have or become two orgaizations. One does all the fighting and causes all the uproar and the other will raise the cash. By keeping them seperate if the first group causes to much of an uproar and people come after them there is no money involve because the second group has all the money.
July 12, 2009 at 6:49 PM
- Cloutier said...
It's a lot simpler than that. Since the radical group is not a corporation -- merely an association -- the individuals are personally liable.
July 13, 2009 at 11:24 AM
- Anonymous said...
I was at the meeting last night and I can not wait to see what kind of "spin" she puts on all that was said.
Yes the "application" was accepted.. still that does not mean that the "devil" towers are going to be built!.. more studies.. more public imput!.. I think what the Major said was spot on!.. just wondering what she will say about it..
As for Whitfield, he was only following procedure .. not being a bully .. but again .. that is how she sees it.. jj -
July 14, 2009 at 5:44 AM
- Anonymous said...
I think that she will just do as she usually does. That she will offer up her spin on things about the "Dark Towers" (very Stephen King sounding), that will be full of lies and inuendo, opps, I mean in her humble opinion.
July 14, 2009 at 1:53 PM
- Anonymous said...
Is that the best she can do. I read her rag and she said nothing at all. Just personal attacks, and they wer'nt as good as hers in the past. I think she lost her touch. Just not mean anymore, more like a scared pussy cat.
July 14, 2009 at 7:31 PM
- Anonymous said...
She Wants to become a Canadian Citizen so she can run for council, but can't come up with the $200.00 for her application. Now thats the type of person we want representing the town!!!
July 16, 2009 at 11:22 AM
- Anonymous said...
Where is it written that the M Group are getting it all for free??? did i miss something ? or just another lie, spin, or ???
Everyone needs to stop looking for reasons and deal with the future!.. and if that means ms poopalot runs for counsil the so be it.. maybe then she will realize how things are done.. see how far she gets .. rotflmao..jj -
July 16, 2009 at 3:18 PM
- Canuck said...
Its been made clear in this blog and the UnaBlogger herself has proven it time and time again that ANYTHING coming from the Crystal Beach Strand is pure imagined bull from the simplest statement of what happened somewhere to the most complex conspiracy. She's all but admitted to her life of thievery and corruption and is spending her remaining days trying to show that she's not alone even if it means conjuring up something from her imagination about people who have a somewhat higher station in life than as a mentally ill, habitual welfare bum, malingering hypochondriac, non-citizen cancer on the community, completely alienated from anything positive, psychotically envious, poopaholic. There's a recent story in Buffalo about woman, last name Bowers, who scammed the United Nations of $65,000 who diverted the funds from a school or orphanage in Iraq to pay off her loans and gambling debts---same family or what?
July 16, 2009 at 6:14 PM
But its ok for you to call others "names"! Shows that you can not play well in the "sandbox" either !!!..
July 1, 2009 7:40 AM
Can you tell me what "names" I've called people? . . .