Somebody over there sure wants us to think the mayor has bugged someone's business. Details, give us details.
WTF America???!??!?!?!?
Ok, this IS going to sound Anti-American, but it's not. Not exactly. I love
a number of American citizens, and I'm sure they're not this warped.
I just hav...
They are talking about replacements for Councillor Annunziata's council seat if he runs for MPP. She mentioned Stephen Passero. He's a hard working community minded person - her and him have nothing in common. I hope she doesn't endorse him - he'd have a tough road ahead if word gets out that she is a supporter. lol
There are no details to give. It is just her mind playing tricks on her or others in town playing the tricks. She has no proof!!
The gutless, spineless coward refuses to post my question to John McCarthy as to wether he agrees with her that some councillors and staff are crooked, corrupt thieves.
I understand that nobody involved with the FOCB want anything to do with her because of the disruption she and John Papadakis caused at an FOCB meeting that resulted in them being physically removed. Notice that McCarthy's letter wasn't sent to her, she copied it word for word from the newspaper trying to wrap herself up in somebody else's credibility. You're not alone in being censored. I have a good number of messages sent here that she didn't post, and they are all very lucid and intelligent and non-insulting in anyway that deal exactly with the topics that she urges people to stick to.
Sharon Bowers has spent a lifetime being a fraud, why on earth would she change now.
One of the messages I got says that she will only post something if she can come up with a response, which by the way, go off into incredible tangents, or if they are from her Circle of Jerkoffs, which obviously are what she agrees with. These Circle Jerkers can say anything and she will agree with them.
Alledgely, they don't have to blow very hard in her fart hole to make it come out her pie hole.
Not only is Sharon Bowels nuts but so are the idiots that feed her thirst for misinformation.They use her instability as a tool for their avenue to discredit anyone that they choose.Any present councilman that has taken their rightful place is a target.Whitfield,(Berry),Lockwood(Brunton),Shuler(Costa K.)Martin(Papadakass).True opposition comes from critics that stick to the facts,not lie and spread fabricated stories about corruption and misuse of taxepayers money.If you look at these individuals you will see that they are all underacheivers and hate to see others excel in anything they think they can do better.If they have any proof of any of their fabrications they should stop keeping us waiting!Or shut the hell up and do something to better themselves!
They're Klansmen. The only conspiracies are the ones they dream up for themselves ..... BELIEVE IT. When the election comes around and their people run, do they honestly think that we the people don't pay attention to their antics???? That's why to the man, they are failures in business, politics and marriage.
Someone said that Sharon is "99% telling the truth" .. omg .. what the hell are they on? i posted on her site .. doubt it will get posted but what the hell ..
everyone should take a deep deep look at the "people" she surrounds herself with.. failures, drunks, scam artists, theifs .. and she has the nerve to call others out .. wake up people Please .. don't believe a word she says !. where is all the proof she speaks about .. the investigations ??, do you really think , someone that sits on the Police board fields all the calls that come into dispatch reporting drunk drivers that she prints about .. or spying .. yah ok .. really .. are they that gullable? guess so since there are only a few !..
Isn't it ironic that the Mental Health Association of Fort Erie decided to locate across the street where Richard Berry,Bill Brunton,Richard Nabi,John Gilmour,John Papadakis,and Costa Koutroulakis sit around daily and conspire to change the world in which they live in.Maybe the wire taps are coming from an experiment of psychosis brought upon by their own disfortunes?Maybe we will see them chased down Jarvis St. with giant butterfly nets?
Where is this Cuckoo's Nest? I would like to casually walk-in on them and laugh hysterically as they are the biggest bunch of losers Fort Erie has ever seen!Most losers hide in shame,these jack-asses keep asking for more.Don't they get it?No one in their right mind cares about anything they say or do,and if they had the cure for Cancer no-one would care to listen!GET LOST LOSERS!
I heard their daily meet and greet is about getting more followers, they need more people to believe in them,to vote for them in the next election. Maybe they should procreate amongst themselves,no better followers than your own kind. Or maybe Annmarie Noise and Sharon Bowels can help? No on second thought their too manly for this job.I am only looking to help the cause ,they need people like me to come up with new ideas,hopefully this one will work!
I laugh at Sharon Bowels legal team. Every tme she gets information that needs legal attention, she speaks about her legal team of experts.John Papdakis is a faux para-legal that loses his family homes to creditors(more than once, by the way),or Richard Nabi the genious that pops more anti-deppressants than a Pez dispenser.Great team there Bowels!
Hey Anonymous---the "lady with more balls" (and an ass to "lure" over, we understand) post came a few days AFTER the exclusive revelation that PapadakaBowels were kicked out of a meeting. That came from TWO separate sources, well-connected people in the Beach, and they've been asked not to return, and that's why there's a splinter group for keeping bay beach that is seeking donations from people.
I can donate a big butterfly net to the cause but the problem is separating them from eachother.
When bowels says she gets 1000 hits a day, does that mean 1000 hits of lithium a day? Poor Sharon and her crew,help is on the horizon.The big butterfly nets will swoop them up and the pain will stop.Nabi won't see anymore monsters and his drug habit will be cured.Papadakass and the rest will get help to.That is a promise.
Well, it seems Sharon and Co. continue to insist that I am responsible for this blog, unless, of course, she believes you to be a drunk too.
I don't care. I'll take it for the team. But let me point out a couple of things.
I don't write for free. I have many much better things to do than to carry on about useless crap in a limited forum for absolutely no benefit.
Writing takes time and energy, and the amount of energy it takes to go on ceaselessly in the same vein as Sharon, I just can't spare it. I wouldn't give her the time of day, why then would I do this? It just brings down bad karma, if you ask me.
Having said that, drop off a case of beer or a bottle of bourbon, and I'll write you a story, that's for sure. And I'll give you an education in writing.
There was a thing that Sharon missed in her interview with herself about the writing process. Anybody who has ever cashed a cheque in this business will tell you that 90 per cent of the craft of writing -- the actual get down to business and meet a deadline process -- is research. From novelists to newsmen, it's all about research. If you include the time not actually engaged in a project, then it's 99.9 per cent research.
And boy do I have research, thanks to Sharon herself and her obstinate blathering these past couple of years. String it all together and it'll be a classic. Hey, if the business case makes sense, it might even be a book.
I've got to up the ante a bit, because beer and bourbon doesn't pay the rent. So my remuneration will include at least a ream of paper and possibly a new laser cartridge -- a C3903A.
Story first, beer later
I'll need the beer and paper up front and the toner cartridge and bourbon in advance for the book. Plus I keep all the profits which I will use to throw a big party -- and I promise there will be no women with balls no matter how fine the ass is. But, if you bring your own date, he/she can have all the extra parts you want. Just let me know in advance so I don't start "luring" over him/her.
Paper and story first, beer after. We can negotiate a book deal later.
A case of beer, up front, is a bargain. If I have to wait for payment, I'm going to have to take the money, and I charge $65 an hour.
Well it appears that you have had great fun with my erroniously using the word "lure" instead of "leer". I only wish I was aslearned os you.
I admit to my mistake, but have to admit, that it a lot better than your childish words like fart hole and pie hole. Are you boys still in public school.
And because you choose to ridicule me for speaking up AND signing my name, I will post the rest of the drunken Mike advances on the other blog.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
If I understand this correctly if these guys are elected to town council does that mean that everyone in town will be able to have a mysterious giant mound of dirt in their yard? Junk vehicles and scrap iron spread all over their property for everyone to see and enjoy? Public intoxication will be approved unanimously? Women and children would be open to abuse and assault? Neighbours pets would be shot on site because a new by-law would be approved also? Peeping-Johnnys would be allowed to videotape anyone they so desire while touching themselves, because they said so? It would also be possible to mortgage property that doesn't belong to them,then squander it to creditors? WOW what a great town it would be! NOT!
Somebody probably belongs to the name you are using, Stephanie, so pretending to be transparent by assuming an identity is utterly revolting.
I know a few Stephanies and each of them are well-educated and brimming with class.
What did you expect after trashing me in a blog -- flowers?
Are you saying I missed my chance for true love with a person who would go on to slap me around in a blog? Boy I guess I dodged a bullet there! Thank you booze!
Looks to me like theyre starting to squirm. Pour it on.
where can i deliver this case of beer?
Drop it off at the Club. Me and the rest of the Old Boys are going to sit around, smoke cigars and figure out a way to ruin Fort Erie.
Hey can I join too?
Yes someone does belong to the name Stephanie Lostracco, and that would be me. Sorry you are so paranoid to suggest that I am "pretending to be transparent by assuming an identity" which you feel is utterly revolting.
The truth of the matter is that YOU are the only one on this blog that signs their name so why don't you redirect your comments to the other posters on this blog? Why, because they agree with your comments, play your foolish games and share your passion for rediculous writing.
As for your comment " What did you expect after trashing me in a blog -- flowers?" Please refresh my memory -- What is the SOLE purpose of this blog?
Yes, there are a lot of Stephanies out there and I am one of them -- well educated and classy as well, incase you were suggesting that I wasn't.
The Editor defines misdirected urine as a "pishap". I guess a "craphap" is when you shit on the trail.
I recently posted a comment on the Cin case no one remembers, papadakis did the same thing before the last election, yapping to people that 'people' were wishing he would run, but then he acted like he wasn't going to, there was no official announcement. he's doing the same thing. building up the 'suspense' through the various comments he posts on the Strand as 'anonymous', to try to encite interest. this isnt toronto, if people are interested in if he's running, it's for entertainment factor...because he isn't mayoral material. dont all these past 'elections' he's been in, prove that? he likes to use the 'fear' factor as the Editor does. not only does his past speak for itself, what has he actually ACCOMPLISHED? that he continuously brags about? ideas are one thing, the world is full of them. and besides the past, look at his present circumstances, don't buy the Editor's reasurrance he has a thriving business. if so, why is his personal/business? number listed in the phone book out of service??????????B Strand, which was not published, not suprisingly. I posted another today and assume it wont be up, so I will share it with you and your readers, thanks..
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