Saturday, October 31, 2009
- Anonymous said...
Bowers will use anybody or anything to attract attention.She will stoop to levels so low that only she can stomach.Shame on her,and her pathetic excuse for a blog.I hope all the parents involved address this exploitation.
October 31, 2009 at 8:16 PM
- Anonymous said...
I feel the same but public street , all is fair.. nothing more I want then to see this woman in jail or chased out of town but anyone has the right to take pic's on a public street.. Sorry . But please go ahead and complain to the schools.. can not wait to hear what her reply is ... maybe she will get the hint.. she thinks she is right in doing what she does yet she has no idea how wrong she is or how stupid her and her idiots sound and look.. !.. up to us to show this community that they are all nuts ! .. her and that papadakis or whatever his name is.. bad news! btw ..i could be wrong about the pics and if i am .. throw the book at her for publishing the pics without permission .. i would love to see her in court.
November 1, 2009 at 6:16 AM
- Anonymous said...
She got the hint .. Look at her site. She took them off. No if we can only get her to shut up about other things then we will be fine!.. lol
November 1, 2009 at 9:18 PM
- Anonymous said...
Here's something else from you know where
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The problem here is that Fort Erie Councilliors have no backbone and do what staff tells them to do ( Note to Whitfield: you were elected to keep cost down - like getting rid of overpaid senior staff and usless taxpayer funded corporations- NOT to cut servies)
That's not why Whitfield was elected. He was elected because people were tired of a particular drunken lout playing his bully-boy games, calling people "fucking idiots," stalking his opponents and using the council chambers to settle his personal scores of which there were many. -
November 2, 2009 at 9:34 PM
- Anonymous said...
I just explained on Madam Shithead's blog that Tommy Lewis was just Richard Berry's Parrot.
November 3, 2009 at 2:53 PM
- Anonymous said...
You mean Richard Berrys infatuation with Ron Reinas as former Town official and now GM of The Peace Bridge Authority.Can anyone tell us how much tax-payers money Berry cost us on his dillusional quest?Or how he used Official "Town of Fort Erie"letter head to lure a certain "bridge group"from Windsor,without anyones consent.Was he acting in our best interest or for his only?What a theory,invite another "bridge group" into town to contend with, only because of his lust for Reinas.Or how about "the fresh air co-illition"and Bernadette "wacko"Sacco?Berry and Sacco contended that the Peace Bridge was polluting the air?and that the new "ambassador bridge"would be environmentally friendly? Or Berrys ties with the "rate payers ASSociation"and their bullying tactics,shall I go on?....Thank you Mr. Whitfield for winning the last election,you don't know how much tax-payers money you have saved us,and embarrassement!...And for Ann-marie Noyes,keep towing the Berry line!your behaviour is so transparent!
November 3, 2009 at 5:04 PM
- Anonymous said...
I have read through this blog and have concluded that most of you on here should be completely ashamed of yourselves for your juvenile behaviour towards another human being.
People on here have gone above and beyond to attack an individual who happens to put her thoughts and opinions in a blog that you actually have to type an address in your search engines to be able to read. Silly, don’t you think.
She (Sharon) may convey her thoughts differently than you and it may be a result of a mental illness, but what in Gods name is your excuse for your behaviour on here.
Were none of you taught right from wrong? How about growing up and treating her with some dignity. I don’t mean to say you need to like her, just treat her in the same manner as you would like to be treated by others, hopefully with some compassion and forgiveness.
Do you even realize that you have reduced yourself to the very level of hate that you are complaining about? Do you not see the irony here?
Is this how you teach your children to handle conflict and adversity in life? I hope not or this world is in serious trouble.
This type of bullying geared towards an individual is unacceptable and needs to stop. -
September 25, 2010 at 5:07 AM
Who gave that bitch the right to take pictures of children on the street and post them on the internet. The principal of my kids school is definitely going to here about this and the school board too.
October 31, 2009 9:43 AM