Facility The Firehouse Grill
Street Name / Number 4130 - Erie Rd.
City, Prov., Postal Crystal Beach ON L0S 1B0
Phone (905) 894-0303
Date(s) Inspected
Inspection Detail
Actions Consultation / Technical Assistance
Compliance Category Description Result
Food Safety (Critical) Cold holding: 4°C (40°F) or less s.33(2)(a) Corrected at Time of Inspection
Sanitation, Design and Maintenance (Non-Critical) Separate handwashing basin in each preparation area with the required supplies s.20(1)(c)(2) Corrected at Time of Inspection
Sanitation, Design and Maintenance (Non-Critical) Adequate protection against the entrance of insects, vermin, rodents, dust and fumes s.11(a) Not in Compliance
WTF America???!??!?!?!?
Ok, this IS going to sound Anti-American, but it's not. Not exactly. I love
a number of American citizens, and I'm sure they're not this warped.
I just hav...
Facts are facts! Can't deny the fact that this eatery doesn't measure up and is a health risk! There should be "Health Department Inspection" Notices on every Restaurant entrance. It would allow us to make a clear decision to enter or to leave. Our right to have a "safe" meal is at stake.
To have "public" reports on the internet is a good start. What about someone that doesn't have a computer or a tourist that stumbles upon a "non-compliant" eatery? We must lobby our Regional Government for a more accessible health measure. Until then, stay away from this spot!
I know a guy who's running for council in Crystal Beach who is just the guy we need to change the law on that.
If anyone is interested, I think we can stand at the gate at the beach and ask everyone to sign a petition to get it done.
I also know a "editor" of a popular blog that gets "1000+ hits a day" who could hammer away at it until we get nauseated.
like Berinies pig pen?
Not at all like Bernie's which passed an inspection on May 28, 2010
Establishment Details
Facility Weekend@Bernie's
Street Name / Number 4155 - Erie Rd.
City, Prov., Postal Crystal Beach ON L0S 1B0
Phone (905) 650-1286
Date(s) Inspected
May 28, 2010
Inspection Detail
Actions Consultation / Technical Assistance
This premise was found to be in compliance with the Ontario Food Premises Regulation
This is typical of the rabble that populates that blog. Comparing herself to others when in reality her restaurant is compared to a checklist and she failed. It looks good on her since she is the first to jump on other people and in the process has set for herself a high standard which she can't live up to. It's not even a higher standard than anybody else because other restaurants have proper refrigeration and hand washing facilities and can keep rats, flies and dust out their food, but apparently Sharon Bowers can't.
Oh wait, it's part of the big conspiracy that Bernie's gets a clean bill and Bowers does not. That's right, everyone is against her, against fat people, mentally ill people and American people.
Apparently Bowers is suggesting that Crystal Beach is booming! Tourists everwhere! Just like old times!
She didn't mention the weather.How would she feel if the weather changed and those same tourists/sunbathers decided to stay home?
The new plan for Crystal Beach is to build a more permanent population base. Rain or shine, permanent residents will not leave town or come to town, because they are already there! Get it?
Ask this brilliant "restauranteur", how business is when it rains, when Labour Day comes and goes and when the cold weather begins. By the way, tumble weed sets in early September and lasts into late May. Anyone want to place bets that Bowers doesn't come back next season. She'll have plenty of excuses just like a bunch more business owners in "the beach"! And finally, those hideous signs don't attract hungry tourists, they just attract alot of negative attention. Just ask yourselves, do you really want angry, want-a-be vendors, with alot of issues, to feed you?
Good luck paying the rent! Newby!
By the way, did Sharon Bowers and John Pappadakis get their "Food Handlers Certificate" from the Regional Health Department yet?
According to Health regulations everyone preparing "food" in a Restaurant must be certified. Unfortunately it doesn't show this criteria on health inspection reports on "niagarainfodine", on the internet.
Do you and you're "food-handling" staff have your certficates, Mz. Bowers and Mr. Pappadakis? If so, declare your certificates' serial numbers, please!!!
......This post was rejected by the "restauranteur", also known as "Sharon Bowers", also known as the "editor" of the slander blog, The Crystal Beach Strand.
So what the previous bloggers are saying is that
IF the sun comes out
and If the temperature is warm enough
and IF the wind is calm
and IF the water is safe enough to swim in
and IF the long weekend comes
and IF the Health Department deems your establishment FIT for public use
and IF you possess a Food Handlers Certificate
and IF a couple of locals find your snack shop
and IF you don't have personal issues, you might have some customers in your little restaurant?
Wow, I'd rather spend my lifes saving on a lottery ticket. At least the lottery gives me better odds... No wonder so many businesses near that beach have come and gone!
I submitted soemthing in response to Sharon Bowers's comment: "This, folks, is an example of the kinds of remarks I get on a daily basis. Morons who have no real argument or comment on the issues, and when given a direct challenge to stand up and present themselves, resort to name-calling."
In response to that, I submitted this: "I find it interesting that you post the insulting and nonsensical retorts, but then you censor the comments that directly respond to your requests for an intelligent argument."
I hope you are not surprised. That is why this blog was started.
I too had my post REJECTED by the Editor on the same subject, but she gladly accepts posts siding with her.
My REJECTED post is :
" Doesn't bother you at all .... why did you even respond to it.
And to call people " Morons who have no real argument or comment on the issues," You know DAMN WELL Sharon that people respond and comment on the issues.
When will her mob accept and realize that people do have different opinions, attempt to post them, and have them rejected by her...... because in HER world she want's everybody to think that everyone agrees with her.
Wake up people .... you support communism ..... American Communism at that.
Bob Steckley and Ann-Marie eat her shit up! They agree with her disturbed views and portray their views as the "majority"!
Town Council has two very disturbed members that agree with themselves on every issue!
Bowers and her bogus blog just keeps fueling their disturbed fire!How can anyone get in a word edge- wise when they just keep deleting opposing views and keep suppressing the facts! I too think of it as Communism! Pure and simple!
I would like very much to respond to the poster of July 12, 2010 12:27 AM on the Strand blog.
I apologize for using this blog for my response, but my posts don't get accepted on the Strand. And obviously the poster visits this blog.
Dear poster of July 12, 2010 12:27 AM,
Yo questioned, Quote: " Who are these people who know -- right away -- that Town inspections are going on -- much less, knowing how they will be resolved?
-- Just wondering!
Do you wonder why they talk about heath issues without any data but don't want to discuss the sewage problems on the beach -- planned, current and in the future?"
Apparently, you have not been following the discussions on the blogs.
On June 2, 2010, the Editor made the statement " I look forward to seeing the results of Bernie's next inspection by the health department."
This was followed by another statement made again by the Editor on the same day : "When I saw the set-up at Bernie's, I remarked to the security officer that it should be shut down as I believed it was in violation (since verified from information on the regulations at the Regional Niagara website.)" ..... and "So far, I am merely watching the situation, but, it is my opinion, and that of many professional cooks and restaurant owners that Bernie is in violation of numerous regulations regarding food safety."
So, as a response to those accusations, the Administrator of this blog searched out and found a site put out by the Niagara Region and can be found at this web address: http://infodine.yourniagara.ca/disclaimer.htm
It was pointed out that the establishment that was being slandered by the Editor had infact been inspected on May 28, 2010 and it passed with no issues."
So who is posting "without any data" ..... Sharon Bowers or Canuck?
As for discussing other issues, I can only speak for myself. I TRY to discuss other issues ..... but my posts get REJECTED !!!!
So poster of July 12, 2010 ..... I/We try to discuss issues and present actual facts and data .... but we are silenced. As the Editor has said before .... it is her blog and not only can she accept/rejects any posts she want's ..... she infact TAKES PLEASURE IN REJECTING POSTS.
So you be the judge of who is trying to promote fair, unbias discussion.
The Administrator stated this blog in February 2008. Why ..... read the statement at the top of the opening page.
I strongly suggest Sharon look around inside her rather not-too-busy vermin shack to look for my signature.
Have you guys seen the latest inspection report on Bernie's? It says Not in Compliance. There was a TSA truck there the other day and the fire inspector. What is going on? My friends have watched Bernie smoking a cigarette while he's cooking out in the sand. Wouldn't go there is you paid me. I haven't been to the place your talking about, but there is a place named Chubbies' at that corner. Is that it?
It looks like Bernie got busted for something to do with thermometers. Chubbies is the place.
Man .... the post of July 14, 2010 sure does smell ..... sorta stinks like a bowel movement.
Let's look at the facts available.
The poster stated that his/her friends have watched Bernie smoking while he was grilling.
Ironically, the poster just happened to be at the location when the inspector visited.
The poster presents himself/herself as being ignorant about the "place your talking about", but is all to familiar about these blogs and the infodine site. The reasonable post would have gone on the Strand ..... why select this blog to post it on?
On June 2, 2010, the Sditor on the Stand blog posted: "Neither I nor anyone I know has ever complained to "the authoritays" about Bernie's operation.) Of course, this year may be different. So far, I am merely watching the situation, but, it is my opinion, and that of many professional cooks and restaurant owners that Bernie is in violation of numerous regulations regarding food safety. And the propane really bothers me and I am going to follow up on a reader's suggestion."
That reader's suggestion was posted on the Strand blog on June 2, 2010, and read: " If you are really worried about the propane tanks at the beach, you should contact TSSA, they have a website. They have a division for propane, and they are very strict."
So those are the facts. One cannot prove that these facts are relevant.
I will leave it up to the readers to form their own opinions. All I know is, if I were a business owner on that street ..... I would be very, very concerned.
This "bashing" of businesses or competition by Bowers is not surprising. If Bernie's is not in compliance by different agencies, they will have to rectify their premises.
If by chance they are "shut down", I doubt anyone on the beach would walk across the street to patronize Bowers' eatery.
If I was from out of town looking to spend some time on this insult of a beach, first I would find parking closest to the entrance. then I would unload all my gear, coolers, blankets, chairs, umbrellas, beach bags, kid's toys, floatation devices and of course an entourage of children.
After all of this unloading, we would scurry down to our favourite spot, about the middle of the beach and set up camp. About an hour or two later we start getting thirsty or hungry. Do you really think we would leave all of our belongings behind and search for another snack shop away from the beach out of sight from our belongings, somewhere down the road? Do you really think we would pack up and leave our spot, to find something to eat? Put yourself in my shoes or flip-flops for a minute. Do you really think I would go through all this trouble to find another place to eat? Think about it! It's Bernie's or bust! Get it! Put that in your next book, genius'!
How I understand it, that is Sharon Bowers's MO.....when something does not go her way, she tries to bring someone else down. She is ENTITLED after all to enjoy the same rewards that other people have earned. When the BIG inspection teams swoops down from every agency under the sun, it's going to be part of the conspiracy, ain't it.
Well, I won't be as diplomatic as Olives.
It is obvious that the inspection of Bernies involves Sharon Bowers.
Her business hasn't even been open for a month yet and she is pulling this kind of crap.
I agree that any business in the area should be concerned, especially if they sell ice cream.
Location, location, location! That is the only thing Bernie's has over Bowers' Grill. Come to think of it, Bernie's WINS hands down!
The rest of the shops get the left-overs. History doesn't lie, just Bowers. lol
WHEW ...... what a week !!!!
I spent the past week going around town to survey people if they were in favour of the Bay Beach Project.
I asked over 200 people and 97% were in favour of it.
Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, but most of them stood patiently while I drew stick figures of them with their thumbs up.
I do have to admit though, if I noticed an American accent, I just asked for the time
Just another "post" rejected by The Strand......
John Pappadakis, a candidate for town council is declaring "war" on The Bay Beach Development! He states that IF ELECTED, he will fight to defeat this project with every means possible(or what ever he said....) WOW! Strong statement Johnny!
So everyone understands MR. GENIUS.. He intends to use HIS own money to pay for legal costs on behalf of all Fort Erie Taxpayers!
He can't be serious!
Or does he mean using taxpayers money?
If he means our money, it's going to be drawn out that's for sure. You do understand, Mr. Pappadakis, that we the people, are in a binding contract with a particular "Development Co.", don't You?
I bet your nickels that you've accumulated in your latest venture,Mr. Pappadakis, wouldn't even cover the postage stamps that are needed to start such a legal challenge, you IMBECILE!!!
One more thing, GENIUS! Do you really think that your campaign strategy is gaining strength?
Lockwood just got a least another couple of dozen votes with your recent proclamation! Take my advice! SHUT UP and many some ONE will vote for you!.... LOL,LOL,LOL
Maybe Ann-Marie Noyes, if elected as Mayor,John Padakis,Bob Steckley Richard Berry and John Hill should pay for all court costs in this Bay Beach "thing"? Sure!
There goes the TOWN'S BUDGET! You might as well move out of town if these bungling fools are in charge!
I have just learned, from an EXTREMELY reliable source, that the "leak" from town hall is infact Councillor Noyes. A practice which is in contradiction to the oath that she had taken for office.
It's quite hilarious to see all these "new" candidates running on the same platform.
"Council doesn't listen to the people...." And all that nonsense.
They all promise the same thing. "We will stop the development of public lands in Bay Beach"!
Truth be told: The train has already left the station!
The OMB hearings will review the standard form letters of the first ten in opposition. The non-sense pertaining to "out of character with its surroundings" and so on.
For the neighbours immediately impacted. Their complaint is worthy of a few dollars thrown at them, (hopefully they will bend down to pick it up)LOL. And lastly the "preservationists" that enjoy the status quo. Keeping it for themselves, But all of us helped pay for it.
And then there is the rest of us that want to be able to visit a "new" Crystal Beach, with "new" permanent residents, more access to our waterfront, more up-scale Restaurants that cater to these new residents and the rest of us, not bars pretending to be something they're not. Real Restaurants with Real food, not wings and dogs. When do you go to a "beach town" and order dogs and wings? Aren't they suppose to have seafood on their menus??? A real "nautical atmosphere" full of life all the time, where there is NO off season.
It happens to be every other waterfront town everywhere but Crystal Beach. "Public" beaches as far as the eye can see. Seafood Restaurants, souvenir shops, watercrafts for rent, public promenades,etc.... How horrible it would be, wouldn't it!!! LOL
Ann-Marie Noyes should be asked to step aside. Her time is up. Her term should be terminated immediately!
Even if she is the "mole" at Town Hall, she hasn't been able to persuade enough of the main stream voters that she can "govern".Leaking confidential information to justify her "babbles" doesn't make her the "solution".
On the topic of "The BIA's" around town.
"BIA" stands for Business Improvement Association. The key word is "Association".
The Town Of Fort Erie adds a "levy" or sur-tax to commercial property owners within a designated boundary. In this boundary a collective board is nominated and voted on by Town Council. In their mandate every BIA must adhere to the needs of "all" businesses in their respective boundaries. The board must be scrutinized for due diligence in order for the funds to be used appropriately. Beautification projects within its boundaries on Town owned property, community festivals and promotions, etc.
That is where I have issue with The Crystal Beach BIA. If a "levy" is collected from numerous commercial property owners, many of which have vacant buildings or open their "seasonal" businesses only just for a couple of months, how is it then that "a Board" can decide to fund a "winter festival" outside of its boundary at The Bertie Boat Club? How does this "improve business" for the majority of businesses that "fund it" and are not open in winter time? How does a "board" continue to spend on festivals that promote revenue only for a couple of businesses? Is that JUST? Is it a "slush fund" for a couple of "drinking holes"? HMMMMMM!!! A recent volley ball tournament funded by whom? The BIA? HMMMMMM!!! Makes you wonder about the "DO GOODERS" in Crystal Beach, doesn't it? HMMMM!!! Promoting youself or your business is something you do on your own, Mr. Phil Smith. Spend your OWN money on advertising for your OWN business just like everyone else! The BIA fund is NOT for you only! Got it!!! Getting special treatment from Chris Dube, from The Times is a NO NO, also!! Front page news just makes people wonder, doesn't it? HMMMMMMM!!!!!! Say hi to Bower's for us, and all your "private beach" owner friends and keep pushing "Steckley's" suckers. It is a small town isn't it Phil......
Councillor Noyes is not leaking information. She is providing the transparency that is lacking in our current council.
So then what you are saying regardless of your interpretation that councillor Noise IS the source of certain selected confidential information provided to Bowers. Is she supplying all the information she is privy to or just a few little tidbits here and there to help Bowers in her campaign to smear people. Funny she didn't inform Bowers that Noise was lead mouthpiece on giving the contract to Bernie. BTW, who does Noise's pictures, good job on the airbrushing.
WOW, 20 minutes on not getting an invite for a free lunch, yahoo. What a great use of council time. I don't know which is better, her appetite for a free buffet or her taking a bath on the front porch. Either way, I really need to wash my eyes. Don't forget Steckley, it looks like he brought it up, her knight in shining armor. GET A ROOM! GET A PARKING LOT! GET ANYTHING BUT PLEASE GET OFF COUNCIL. THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE BEING PAID FOR!!!!
EXACTLY!!!! dido on the last post!
Is it election time yet????
Bath on the front porch ?!?
She wrote an article in the Times where she said that she took baths on the porch when she was a kid. Her family was so poor, they couldn't afford water so all eight kids had to take a bath in the same water and Noise made sure she was the first. Imagine making your own family use your dirty bath water. Disgusting.
In response to your post of July 21, 2010 6:54 PM Canuck.
I will say this. The EXTREMELY reliable source is me. And I won't give my name because of fear of retribution.
I will stand before God, take a lie detector test, of take an oath in a court of law, and without fear of failing any, especially God, will state that " I have been told, by Sharon Bowers, herself, that she has conversed with Councillor Noyes on Bay Beach issues."
End of story.
I don't doubt you for a minute. If there's one thing for sure neither one of them can keep their mouth shut.
And that is my point EXACTLY!!!!
Sharon Bowers feels that she is the saviour of Crystal Beach and does not realize that she infact is the most detrimental deterent to the causes she emplodes onto the community.
While she surrounds herself with her BFF of negatisim, and professess' an attitude of doom and gloom to every visitor to Crystal Beach, she not only puts another nail into her own failing busines, but also into every other business that surrounds her.
Instead of portraying Crystal Beach as a place to revisit, she would rather reflect to people who perchance have the misfortune to meet with her have the impression that Crystal Beach is an " engineering blight" and doomed to reject anybody who chooses to venture into her boundaries.
Sharon Bowers has shown herself to be who she is ..... a self rightous bitch, and because she has NOTHING in her own life as a spinster to show her worth, she chooses to trash everything that surrounds her for no other reson than to make herself feel better.
And NOBODY can argue with that. AMEN.
CHECK .... and CHECK MATE !!!
Why in GOD's name would a post appear on the Strand at July 23, 2010 9:11 PM ( a time which would coincide with the Editor returning home fro the Firehouse Grill) read as follows, quote:" I must be misinformed. (slight hint of sarcasm here) I thought that the EDTC was fully funded by the town of Fort Erie and as such the corporation and any of its representatives are answerable to the taxpayers of Fort Erie.
Same for the track (and the consortium that was formed to run it) as it was saved by a large injection of cash paid for by the taxpayers of Fort Erie.
If I am incorrect than would someone please tell me why. What exactly am I missing here?"
Why would such a post exsist when there was no discussion on the blog previous about the EDTC ?
The answer is simple ......
THIS post was REJECTED .....
" Well seeing that you not only refused to answer my question, but also rejected my post, I will answer the question myself.
I mean, sure, that is one of your tactics. If a discussion may lead into a direction that doesn`t meet with your agenda, then you reject it, and no one is the wiser. You maintain your level of negativity, and pretent that everybody is on your side. And reject ANYTHING that does not comply with your agenda. And you call the council non-transparent and a bunch of criminals.
The question posed to you was in this REJECTED post: "But I thought you said that there aren't anymore havenots in Crystal Beach. Everybody is fixing up their property and the town is a quaint beach community.
Exactly why do you think the CTYB put up a fence. Inside the fence beautifully landscaped property. Outside ..... weeds, trash and derelict buildings."
You know the answer, but refuse to acknowledge it because it is against your agenda.
The fence is there to protect a very well maintained, respectable neighbourhood. Instead of trashing the neighbourhood, you should be envious and inspired. That is what Crystal beach should look like and could look like.
Unfortunately, because of all the slander, defamation and accusations that you have made towards the EDTC, I would think that they would not be too receptive to putting money into Crystal Beach to bring it to a standard that would even be close to that of the CTYB. Oh yeah, that's right, you said, quote: " we all know that Crystal Beach has been ignored by the EDTC. No matter. We don't need them anyways. " So it doesn't matter anyways.
Yes, the EDTC did put money into the racetrack. Good move, hundreds of jobs saved so people could feed their families. So get over it.
No doubt the residents in the CTYB pay a fee for the upkeep of the neighbourhood. For the landscaping beyond their own property. They deserve the enviroment that surrounds them within the confines of the fence, and no doubt, when they go out for an evening with their guests, they go out of town, because their is absolutely no respectable eating establishment in Crystal Beach for an evening's outing.
Footnote: Quite ironic that the "word verification" to make this post is "soright"."
Not only did Sharon Bowers REJECT the the post and the previous post that was mentioned .... she chose to respond to it .... ANONYMOUSLY !!!! Deceit to her readers as only Sharon Bowers can do and has done for years. She doesn't get the support she needs for her agendas, she posts support herself anonymously. Of the 90% of the community that is against the Bay Beach Development .... Sharon Bowers is 85% ..... AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO THE BANK.
And for those candidates she supports and promotes, let me tell you this .... though she has not said it out right, her attitude is .... she has Councillor Noyes / Mayoral Candidate ..... IN HER BACK POCKET.
Think about it .....
I intended to, but neglected to, point out that prior to my REJECTED post on the Strand, there was NO discussion in reference to the EDTC nor the racetrack which solidifies my staement that the Editor not only REJECTS posts that do not conform with her agenda, but also posts ANONYMOUSLY to support her cause to portray herself as someone else.
YOU .... make your decision.
I have no clue who Canuck is, but appreciate the reasons for which this blog has been set up, as you can read on the top of the opening page, and has been an issue for MANY years.
I could pick Mike Cloutier out in a crowd, and nothing more than that. However, he has a blog at baybeachblog.blogspot.com where opinions can be expressed without moderation ( except for some very responsible rules).
I have no affiliation with either blog, I just want my voice to be heard.
OMG .... have you read the unablogger's latest write-up ( saved for evidence)
I think she has run out of her meds.
Quote, the Editor; " Note to Thibert's lawyers: Have you got enough to file suit against me yet? "
You bet honey .......
Curious ...... Sharon goes on another one of her rants, and guess what there's a Full Moon tomorrow night.
Hmmmmm ..... curious.
In case anyone is interested, TRG is George Jardine.
TRG another one that can never get
the facts straight.
George Jardine is a coward. He knows the "Stevensville Seat" on council will be vacant soon, but he doesn't register as a candidate. Everyone knows he going to run! Come out George and face the music. Are you afraid of us all? We have some questions for you! All candidates night is approaching! You will face our wrath soon Georgey! Stevensville is so desparate for a "real" Councillor, now that "Noise" is gone for good!
Can someone please represent us responsibly, we need proper representation!!!!
George or Berry.........please someone jump in
Unfortunately, Richard Berry is running for Ward 2 along with Schular and one other.
There are many more important issues that will get lost because of this Molinaro Project. We seem to forget that we have the highest unemployment rate in the region, the lowest literacy rate in the region and are not totally connected with a regional bus system. Not to mention, we are in dire need of getting some of our hospital services back.
As far as I'm concerned, if you knock on my door to protest about Bay Beach as a voting issue for Ward 2, I am not voting.
"TRG" is Richard Berry! He is the biggest coward in Fort Erie!
End of story!
KUDOS to the Town of Ridgeway and the Ridgeway BIA on their innovative Bulldozer Festival.
..... now that is a MATURE town, BIA and citizens. CB could learn a lot from them.
You gotta love the "unsolicited" post on the Strand blog glorifying the Firehouse Chill.
The poster, a fellow entrepeneur, was so excited aboust the place that he/she just had to post about it.
Funny, he/she knew about the blog.
Funny he/she as excited as they were chose to post anonymously. I mean, where have we seen discussions about fake anonymous posts before. Oh yeah .... when the Editor refused a post then commented about it "anonymously"
And while I am on it, I remember that I chuckled when I read Sharons post that read: " Although we do not, as yet, have food handling certificates, we follow the food handling protocol to the letter. It is not yet a requirement for restaurant workers, but we have set a goal that we all complete and pass the course because we want to be designated on the healthy dining website."
HEALTHY DINING WEBSITE ........ you serve greasy hamburgers, greasy frenc fries, greasy hotdogs ..... HEALTHY DINING ..... are you NUTS.
To the July 28th 4:52 poster, I respectfully ask the same of you,
are you NUTS? You keep on insisting that Ms. Bowers has posted two posts anonymously on her blog, one regarding the accountability of the EDTC to the taxpayers of Fort Erie and one regarding a visit to her establishment.
I am the poster of both of those blogs.
Just because someone posts opinions that are the opposite of yours does not mean you should go on the attack and put rambling, waste of time, posts on this blog. You also accuse Sharon of blocking your comments from going on her blog. Well, after reading the many you have posted on here in I can certainly see why. Get a grip and stop wasting time with your strange conspiracy theories.
The last "blog poster" that proclaimed that he/she was the patron at Sharon's grille and wrote another "post" about the accountability of the EDTC, is by the sounds of it Sharon Bowers, John Pappadakis or Ann-Marie Noyes. Take your pick!!! P.S. It couldn't have been Richard Berry unless they got beer on tap! lol
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