WTF America???!??!?!?!?
Ok, this IS going to sound Anti-American, but it's not. Not exactly. I love
a number of American citizens, and I'm sure they're not this warped.
I just hav...
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Oh don't be in too much of a hurry to close down yourself....bullies like her always seem to find a way to worm there way back. It is refreshing though knowing that if even for a short time she will be silenced!
A deal is a deal, even if it's not voluntary. I would like to be able to close this blog but be able to reopen it when she sticks her head up again, but the best I can do is just hide old posts from the home page.
Your attitude and reaction to recent events coincide with your intent of this blog and are admirable.
We can only hope that Sharon finds another community to belittle.
Even as the Stand blog has shut down, the Editor is now pleading her case on the Strand faux newspaper once again citing her medical condition.
Can she not understand it is not her medical condition, that she flaunts around, that is the issue here, but rather ir incessant attacks on people and posters. Her absolute resolve to accept no opinion but those that match hersm and the ficticous garbble that she generates in her own mind and promotes it as being fact.
Of course she has not gone away.
Today's update on the Strand is passive with it's usual note of sarcasim.
Whatever the forces are that have shut her mouth for a period of time are a welcome relief.
But we will never know the TRUTH why she has all but silenced ..... that's just not in the Strands vocabulary.
Looks like Sharon has got her box of crayons out again ....LOL.
Looks like she is not shut down!
OMG .... for the first time in my memory, the "Friendship Trail Log Dumper" has actually lived up to one of her statements.
For some mysterious reason, the Strand "shut down" with the comment " May be back in mid November", and lo and behold ..... on November 15th, Sharon starts flapping her lips again.
But her words contradict all that she has written in the past.
It is anti-american, anti-restaraunteers, anti-rejuvinated crystal beach, and most definately .... anti-Don Lubberts, who even though is against the Bay Beach Development ( BTW Sharon, Eric Gillespie told the OMB board Lubbert's appeal had been removed from the evidence package.) .... but beat her new BFF Papadakissmy ass.
The strand's new objective is " moving in a new direction.
I am appalled and angry at the lack of community
services in Crystal Beach. I will now be working to
draw attention to this and to offer specific ways
that the people can get those services."
Oh and by the way, " Are you falling behind in your gas
bills? There is help." .... this from a THREE time welfare recipient .....LOL.
The Strand is DEAD. You have to be a "Team Member" to post.
It's been a week since her totally irrational post was put up, and no "Team Member" has stood up.
RIP StranDEAD...... ROFLMFAO .....
Pretty sure I saw her at Joe's Value Mart collecting for the Salvation Army... Hope they know what they are getting themselves into!...
Posting continued nasty comments shines a bad light on Fort Erie if people are finding this during a search of Fort Erie/Crystal Beach. Perhaps this blog should close down also. Maybe then all this negativity will stop and we can all move on.
Surely you jest poster of December 1st.
THIS blog remained inactive during Sharon Bowers absence, but now she is back at it again.
I totally agree with your coments, but they should be directed to her .... but you can't post on her blog unless you are a member, one of the "Old Girls Club".
The negativity won't stop until Sharon Bowers shuts up!!!!
She constantly refers to Fort Erie as "the mistake by the lake" or "Fort Dreary".
Not only does she demean Fort Erie on her own rag and blog, but she frequently posts on various other blogs and newspaper forums ( especially Buffalo News) telling everybody how crooked and rotten Fort Erie is..... though those are only HER opinion and she goes on a tyrate when her favoured candidates don't win an election.
You want an end to the negativity. Talk to the American citizen, three time Canadian welfare recipient, society bloodsucker ..... Sharon Bowers.
Well since her blog is now inactive as no-one is posting comments, than I guess I have to respectfully disagree with you.
I can accept that you disagree with me ..... that's called Freedom of Speech and the Right to your own Opinion.
Further, disagreeing with me "respectfully" is appreciated.
However, as you do not post a name or identity to your post, I can only assume that you are the same person who commented on the "negativity".
Yes indeed, there are no posts on the Strand blog. Why? Because you have to be a "Team Member" to post there. I checked out the procedure for this on my own blog and found that you have to apply to be an "author" by providing your name and email address, at which time the owner of the blog will email you an invitation.
Few people in this community trust Sharon Bowers enough, friend or foe, to provide their email address to her.
That is why there are no posts.
Still, however, she has rejuvinated her internet newspaper ( cough, cough) and blog, and continues to post NEGATIVE comments about our community.
You figure this one out ......
The Friends of Crystal Beach website ( which Sharon Bowers is associated with) proudly boasts that Mark Lane of the Daytona Beach News-Journal has written an article in that newspaper.
He writes word for word of the opinions that Sharon Bowers has written.
Now you tell me ...... why would a reporter from Daytona Beach, Florida be concerned about the going on's in Fort Erie?
This blog opposes the negativity and all those that promote it.
Unfortunately, that opposition cannot be posted elsewhere.
Hey Anonymous (dec. 2,2010 2:35PM)Shake the dirty Crystal Beach sand out of your ears and eyes and try to understand what was said. Her blog is not inactive, she does not allow anyone to post on it unless you are one of here loser buddies..I am sure she will allow your post to be seen!
My source tells me, a certain faux-newsman, that Bowers is covering her ass because Google was named in the lawsuit against her filed by the people at EDC as well as some of the anonymous posters and that the Team Membership is an attempt to prove that she doesn't know who the posters are.
If she is trying to do that now, is that like trying to put the cork back in the pigs ass............
Dec 3, 8:30 pm. Well, you just proved the point I was trying to make regarding negative postings. You call me a loser and have assumed that I take the side of Ms Bowers. Interesting. The truth of the matter is I only take the side of Fort Erie as a whole, and would like all of this nonsense to stop. Period. Some of these posts, websites, facebook conversations, backbiting in the local paper, are only making us look like a town divided, that we cannot agree to disagree in an agreeable way. I propose that we stop the fingerpointing and start working together towards solving some of our towns issues.
The town is divided... As far as I am concerened as long as the likes of Bowers, Noyes and the rest of those losers are around and continue to try to stop the town from moving forward I will never agree to disagree in a agreeable way. They have to be silenced and the truth about them has to continue to be told.
But I see it differently. They don't have to be silenced; you just have to choose to ignore them and move on with your own agenda. All this time and energy wasted trying to discredit them and trying to prove who is right and who is wrong. My choice is to use my energy to enact positive change; what is yours?
Here's a suggestion .....practice what you preach.
My choice is to discredit them as they have been doing to others..I say an eye for an eye.
The bottom line is that the Strand blog is basically inactive, which is just fine with me.
I am sure that Sharon is keeping tabs on this blog and perhaps even posting.
My biggest gripe was her rejection of posts that did not conform with her agenda. Now .... nobody posts there so there are no posts to reject ( that we know of).
Sure, she stil writes her rediculous articles on her rag, and does post a subject on the blog to which no-one responds, but all in all ..... the Strand has finally flushed it's last Bowel movement down the toilet.
Enjoy your holidays everyone!!!!!
It looks like YOU are looking for some court action Mickey.
So the question has to be asked with respect to the lawsuit that included the EDTC and Google.
Was it a condition of the impending lawsuit that Sharon shut down her blog until November 15th?
"I have vowed that this will not happen next year"
That is a quote from Sharon Bowers posted December 26, 2009.
It was in context of the following written by Sharon:
"I also learned some harsh truths: people had their gas and electric turned off during this season. Another had to fore go Christmas celebrations to pay off her water bill. Others had to rely on Christmas baskets and donations from charities to get their families through the holidays with some dignity. While others spent the holidays alone and forgotten. I have vowed that this will not happen next year. A few of us are already talking about plans for next year, inspired by other communities that have gone beyond to make Christmas special for others less fortunate. As I count the blessings I have received, I need to remember that it was not so long ago that I needed help to get by. And it was given without judgment or an expectation of repayment."
I mean really ...... this one caught me by surprize. I though she was eluding to HELPING the less fortunate, not TAKING money away from them.
Regardless of the fund that the Salvation Army gave Sharon $500 for her gas bill, it still could have been given to someone more needy and deserving.
I used to think that she was someone who just liked to bitch, but now I am convinced that she does have issues and is nothing more than a career charity case.
I feel it necessary to respond to Kim Gallagher's ( not Gallgher, Sharon), because there is no way on God's great earth that I would expose my email address to Sharon Bowers.
I respect your opinion, but fear that mine differ's from yours.
With respect to Sharon Bowers tending the kettle for the Salvation Army, it was not voluntary action on her part, but rather an obligation as she conned $500 out of the Salvation Army to pay her gas bill.
$500 that could have been given to a truly needy family so they might have some food on their table this Christmas. Certainly, someone who spends money to put up a website, opened a recent business, and declared recently that she was going back to university has more money than those that are without income and hungry. This is just one of her MANY episodes of sucking money out of our federal government, charities and service clubs.
So can admire her all you want, that is your perogative ...... I feel differently.
As for "However, to the people who slander her: i also DO NOT SEE you out there doing anything to help any one, nothing, except attacking people who are not pleased with the election results. ( that will be dealt with by the courts ) NOT YOU!"
I personally am retired now. Previously, while working, I gave 2% of my salary to the United Appeal every year for about 20 years. That's on the average $900 a year and over the 20 years that's $18,000. So although you DO NOT SEE ME DOING ANYTHING .... I do my part. The only difference is that I do it humbly, and do not use it as a tool to persude others that I am such a caring person on my blog.
I gave freely, and continue to do so, and yes, I do give substantially to the Salvation Army ..... throughout the year !!!!
As for the election results, you see no one on this blog complain about the election results. The Strand on the otherhand, on her first post since she was "FORCED" to shut down was certainly complaining about the election results, especially about Don Lubberts wiinning as he was running against Papadakis.
To Sharon,
Your comment " Most blogs have had to do this due to ridiculous. slanderous posts."
You know damn well that it is YOU that posts the slander and I wish I could find the link, but YOU had your post deleted from a responsible blog because your comments were considered libelous and slanderous.
How dare you imply that it is others that post slander when it is YOU !!!
I am so glad that I am not you.
She was talking about helping out the Salvation Army this year as in the past they have helped her when she needed it. It's called giving back. Perhaps you have heard of it. Very odd that you call this a character flaw.
May you never be in the position that you have to take from charity. If so, you are of the few people in this town who has managed to go through life without needing some help at least once in their life. Many of us work very hard but have still had to visit a food bank, go on workfare, or collect EI numerous times. Full time, long term , well paying jobs are few and far between in this town. And not everyone can afford to go out of town to work. But hey lucky you, sounds like you have one of those. That does not however give you the right to judge others. If I could figure out how to post on her site I would commend her for her giving spirit.
First of all, your comment "That does not however give you the right to judge others."
Is that not the reason why this blog had been set up.
The person that you idolize does nothing else but judge others.
You are right, I have not had the necessity to request charity. But if I had, I would not be blasting it all over the internet.
As for Sharon's "giving spirit".
She did not go into tending the kettle with the attitude that she was there to help others. She was there as an obligation for financial assistance received and her initial reaction was to capitalize on the situation for her blog.
In her words, QUOTE: "Frankly, I thought that standing guard at the Salvation Army Kettle would provide me with side-splitting moments that I could share via this blog"
Doesn't sound like the "giving spirit" to me.
She worked what, maybe 2 shifts tending the kettle. $500 for 16 hours work, not bad.
Toad, I do not idolize her for doing it, as you you have accused me of, but, I do commend her. Just as I would anyone who decides to "give back" at this time or any time of the year. BTW, many people receive assistance and do not make the choice to work shifts or give back, so, the fact that she has was not an "obligation" but something that she chose to do of her own free will. She was given a "hand up",not a "hand out". I am sure that the Salvation Army appreciates that she is helping them out this year. Many organizations in this and any town have a shortage of volunteers and are always happy to have help. And, how would you know how many shifts she worked, and who cares that she thought it might be fun and she would have some interesting stories to tell afterwards. You do seem to read far too much into nothing statements. And as for her judging others, well that remains to be seen. I call it an opinion based in fact, not judging. See, its all in how you look at things. It seems that many have her opinion or the election would not have gone the way it did, and the new council would not be putting forward the motions that they have. Check that out in your spare time. Last I looked, people were allowed to have their own opinion. If what she writes upsets you so much; as it seems too; then stop reading it. In my opinion, which I am also allowed to have by the way, the fact that a blog was started just to slander Ms Bowers reflects badly on Fort Erie as a whole, and only serves to make us all look like a bunch of country bumpkins. Could it actually be that this blog was started to try to deflect people away from the truth. Just my
Tell you what ..... it appears that Sharon has opened her blog to anonymous posts which is your preferred method and I totally agree and understand that.
So now you can post there and commend her there.
How would I know how many shifts she has worked ..... QUOTE Sharon Bowers:"Having put in a couple of shifts at the kettle"
Your comment of "her judging other" leaves me speechless ..... are you from another planet?
I don't have to check anything out in my spare time. I am well aware of the new council's agendas.
And YES, you are entitled to have an opinion, as am I.
My problem is when I try to post my opinion on the Strand, or provide conclusive proof that what she has said is untrue, the posts are rejected.
Certainly, I can appreciate that a blog that posts concerns about an individual in a negative manner is not flattering towards the Town of Fort Erie.
But much worse is a blog ( the Strand) that posts negative, slanderous comments about Fort Erie itself. AKA in Sharons words, "The Mistake by the Lake", "Fort Dreary".
No ...... I don't delieve that this blog was started to deflect people from the truth, but rather to rather to provide a venue for people to post the truth which gets rejected elsewhere.
Are you the same TOAD who had a "mental break down"? When you got caught trying to set up Bowers?
Here is a suggestion......GET A LIFE!
You and that idiot cunuck seem to be internet stalkers who like to torment people with mental health issues.
You are both LOWLIFES
Damn it ...... you caught me .....NOT !!!!
LOL .... sorry to dissapoint you.
Are you Sharon Bowers.
There are many people who take exception to Sharon Bowers comments and activities, and the numbers are growing as more people realize her true worth.
Even people who had befriended her now have nothing to do with her because she stabbed them in the back.
That is evident as no one post on her blog, and as I had said before, that is just fine with me.
As for ME "torment people with mental health issues.", please show where in any of my posts that I have brought up her mental issues.
If she has one, that does not excuse her for the comments that she makes and the attitude she has adopted towards other peoples opinions.
Bottom line, the Strand is DEAD .... and that's just fine with me.
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