Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hey you're a psychopathic moron

Comments welcome.


Anonymous said...

You talking about who i think your talking about.

Canuck said...

The one and only world famous star of rage and scream, Queen Shit of Turd Island.

Anonymous said...

It's getting a little testy in Crystal Beach lately.
Maybe the lies are coming back to haunt them?????
You can't hide the truth, beachers......

Anonymous said...

hey. what's happened to Toad's site?

Anonymous said...

And it wa expected.

Refused Strand post:


Insulting someone ..... that sure sounds like the Sharon Bowers I know.

She throws out venemous comments about people like she is the only one who is right.

Try posting your own opinion, if it disagrees with hers then you are an asskisser, a bootlicker, a detractor, and in your words, "closed minded "

We are none of the above. Just Canadians with an opinion, and every time we try to express the we are supressed. How do you want us to feel about Sharon Bowers.

You get to read what SHE wants you to read. She has rejected so many legitamate posts then when apost is made in frustration, she accepts that then wails poor me, poor me.

Responsible posts that have been deleted on the STRANDED blog ( ) for the past several years. Check it out.

Unlikely you will be able to because she won't accept this post.