Monday, June 23, 2008

Do they think we're that stupid?!!!!

Who's they? Blogger the Editor suggests its town council. Judging by her posts about here favourtie son, it seems to me the real they is the lunatics she goes to group therapy with and the "we" are the hard-working honorable and community-minded citizens who make up the vast majority of this town. Did pudgy Tom Lewis really expect that he could wave a pile of newspapers and call them "studies"? That was one hell of a good bit of TV when Tim Witfield wanted him to show the world what was in the two boxes he carted into the council meeting. But we only got to see the contents of one, and the way he pulled them out of the box showed that he was trying to hide the fact that they were newspapers, whole newspapers, not clippings, not photocpies, but whole newspapers. What a moron. Does he care that he gets caught lying to the people like that? I don't think so. What did they teach that boy?


Anonymous said...

i'd like to know who the "backstabbing mole" is.....not about bay beach but the mentholatum lease......tom lewis is on the museum board isn't he. the post about projection was sooooo right.

Anonymous said...

Recently I have been attacked once again regarding my life style and my profession. I am so tired of her "chit" that I am very close to filing a claim against the one and only. I just do not understand her attacks on me and the rest of the CBIA board.We do not have a hidden adgenda.. we do not have time for that. We are doing nothing wrong. I am a licenced Paralegal and a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada . My # is P03030 and have had to write several exams , and pay my fee's and dues just like any other lawyer. I provide legal services to many.

I am sick and tired of her calling me the "so called or sometime paralegal"..

We need to stop this woman.

Anonymous said...

"Do they really think we're that stupid?" The "we're" she is refering to- Tom Lewis, Costa Koutralakis, john Gilmore, Mike Hepborn, Richard Berry, Bob Steckley, Bill Brunton, Richard Nabi, Ann Marie Noyes; Just to name a few. Radical obstructionists who have managed to infiltrate Council and set this community back a decade from where it should be. If you want to live in the dark ages, by all means vote these morons into office.

Anonymous said...

Now it all makes sense. Steckley and Noyes, the "5-2 vote" gang.

Anonymous said...

It's good that these people have finally been outed. Steckley's secret e-mail comes to mind. I could add a few more to that list.