Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It's a special someone's birthday
Hmm, let's see, that makes her a Cancer, how appropriate. She's only one year away from the magic 65 and old age security payments from the government's chest. But do us hard-working, taxpaying citizens get a thanks. Noooooo. Just more shit, lovingly sculpted in a whole new pile everyday.
She'll be posting something nostalgic. Wait for it. It'll be about dear old dad, or about going down on the Johnson administration in a closet of the student newspaper at SUNY Buffalo, or tripping through the Beach or the one story she wrote for The Downtowner that made her so proud.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Insane asylum proposed for Bay Beach
"That's where all the whack jobs are, and everybody wants it in public hands, so it just seems to make sense," said a reliable source not associated in anyway whatsoever with the NHS, the town or anything.
Messed up over Amusement Park
Anonymous said...
This was in response to her latest response to an editorial about the bay beach development proposal.
If I hear about the crystal beach amusement park one more time, I'll lose my mind, much like the editor already has. The amusement park was a privately owned business and as such the owners disposed of the properties to serve there needs, not yours! Why didn't you and your merry band of nutcases buy the property if you were so concerned and passionate about the lands. Probablly because it's awful tough to get a bank loan while collecting welfare. Maybe you don't want change because you aspire to mediocrity. "Crystal Beach is a carney town", and you are the lead carney. Now all of a sudden the editor is an economist (just another one of her multiple personalities), and this lowly blog editor is going to convince the massess why development won't work. Now I've seen everything!July 18, 2008 9:47 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Meltdown Anyone?
If a television broadcast of a town council meeting leaves her "kicking and screaming" as she wrote once, we wonder what this is doing to do to her, especially when Citizen Urinalist only got a fraction of the ink he got.
Luckily Stuart's is under new ownership so she can stock up on Tylenol PM and Nyquil. That should quell the seizures.
Do you think she's going to launch another anti-PBA tirade, a pseudo-Mencken poison epistle, a wannbe Woodward expose of her demented fucked-uppedness, an "I'll be there" monologue, the snorts of a white whale beached on the crystal sands of her delusions and paranoia.
Naah, she won't. Not now.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hey -- garbage is regional!
She's given up associating every Italian with the mafia and is now after Germans. And there's the usual "hush-hush" and "overheard" talk by town employees about jobs being screwed up and using computers to surf e-Bay and The Strand.
Low-hanging fruit. How about low-hanging nuts.
The facts are these
- This was recently posted as a comment here. Canuck
Anonymous said...
As someone she regularly attacks , I for one tried to set the record straight but gave up after noticing that she would not post my comments. The facts are: she did the midnight run from the apts I manage still owing several months of rent.FACT. it was mr Lewis who helped her move.FACT. This person also left mounds of filth and garbage that had to be hauled away.FACT. Before she moved to CB she did the same thing to another person in Ridgeway.FACT.
After several of her personal attacks on me I would respond with the above yet she would not post these facts. There are so many other FACTS that I could comment on but it would fill this page and then some. This "thing" that we are now calling the UNBLOGGER needs to be stopped. I for one would like to go to the C.Meeting on July 21 but i am afraid she will call the police if i get near her.. She thinks I am going to attack her with a kitchen utensil... lol.. no .. just my facts !.. that is the only way I am going to attack her! JPJuly 7, 2008 5:48 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Deconstructing Unablogger's Logic
In Fort Erie, $11,245,000 of tax money (that number is highly inflated by the Unablogger, but it doesn't matter) is used to pay employees in a town of 30,000. That's $374.83 per person.
So what's the problem, Unablogger? Looks to me Fort Erie's getting a deal. According to Unablogger, Fort Erie has too many staff for a town of 30,000, but she uses a comparison which is actually higher to prove her point.
Um, yes, her US education included university level logic. The question is did she pass the course?
Hello Mensa? I've got a candidate for you.
By the way, she writes that she complains about everything because she loves this place. "When you love something, set it free." Please.
The Great Logician
Blogger The Editor said...
My US education included university level logic and the previous poster to yours says it all regarding the comparison of a city like Welland (pop. 50,000) with far more services to a town of 30,000. Comparing our 41% salary percentage to the 40% salary percentage in Welland strictly on that basis is an example of common practice of those who wish to obfuscate the real issue: Fort Erie has an overage of staff for its size and the services needed. The ratio of staff to residents in Fort Erie is the part that's overblown. Too bad council allowed STAFF to shoot down Bob Steckley's motion for an efficiency study of town staff.
July 2, 2008 10:55 AM
Let's just read that, let it simmer after we get up off the floor from all the laughing ... this is going to be fun. Next thing you know, she'll be telling us she's in Mensa.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Unablogger, meet Unabomber

Since she chooses to engage in terrorism, intimidation, extortion and harassment, we've given Blogger the Editor a new name -- The Unablogger. Here's her picture. If there are any Photoshop artists out there, have at it. I recall a Photoshopped picture of Sandy Annunziata she published which serves as a precedent.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Sez who?
"The Bay Beach Properties will be sold. The Town needs the money."
The reason, she goes on to state, is the town needs the money to pay its staff. Let's get this straight, according to Blogger the Editor -- sell capital to pay expenses. Is it any doubt she has failed in business more than once?
Last time we heard, she was busy selling someone else's capital to pay her expenses. That's what we heard at coffee shop anyway.
In response to unabloggers latest attempt to defend the embarassing conduct of Pudgy Tommy Lewis at Council...
I was at the meeting you kook! And there was no level of frustration by the time Lewis got to the podium. All the presenters were a pleasure to listen to and there was plenty of laughs and a feel goog attitude about how things were going. Enter Tom Lewis and his manufactured frustration (for dramatic effect). Stop defending little Tommy. He's the disgrace not Council. And I will suggest that the true members of your "failed Five" are Lewis, Berry, Koutroulakis, Brunton, and Papadakis. It least their failures are well known and documented!