Since she chooses to engage in terrorism, intimidation, extortion and harassment, we've given Blogger the Editor a new name -- The Unablogger. Here's her picture. If there are any Photoshop artists out there, have at it. I recall a Photoshopped picture of Sandy Annunziata she published which serves as a precedent.
Is that really what she looks like, or has she been photoshopped already?
Both suffer from low self esteem, dillusions of self importance, and questionable hygiene. Both have been under investigation, both have caused grievious injury to the population at large. Now, If only Unablogger could retreat to a cabin in the back woods and subsist on a diet of grubs and berries, the transformation would be complete. I wonder if the postman will deliver welfare cheques to the backwoods?
Separated at birth!
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