Monday, July 7, 2008
- Canuck said...
I'd say go the Council meeting. You are not the only one she has threatened to call the cops on. Maybe if a bunch are there, she can take care of a lot of business in one shot. Of course that would bring a certain amount of police attention on her.
Maybe you feel that this is a way to intimidate you to keep you from expressing your opinion in a legal forum about the Bay Beach issue ... a lesson learned from the Nazis.
Maybe we can get the books opened on her application for landed immigrant status that she says she was granted 20 years ago. -
July 7, 2008 at 6:29 AM
- Anonymous said...
Go to the Council meeting. Do not be intimidated by the Unablogger. She will reap what she has sewn. I encourage everyone to go to the Council meeting so everyone will see all the players involved. I guarantee you will see all the "usual suspects".
July 7, 2008 at 11:06 AM
- Anonymous said...
I left a comment but she skipped over it. It was in response to a comment she made:
Blogger the Editor said...
To all our American friends: please pay no attention to the nasty anti-American comments by one of the posters here, but one of the things that Americans fought for in the War for Independence was freedom of speech and the press. So in honour of that, I allowed the comment to go through.
July 4, 2008 7:26 PM
Apparently we have to apologize for suggesting that Independence Day should be changed to Arrogance Day.
So I wrote
"You are just as bad with American history as you are with the Canadian present. American revolutionaries fought for independence, self-government from arbitrary measures of the King of England. Freedom of speech, press etc did not enter the picture until 1792 with the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, well after any "fight" against Britain was over."
You're right, a simple clarification of facts is too much for Unablogger to deal with. -
July 7, 2008 at 11:43 AM
- Anonymous said...
do you think she reads this?
July 7, 2008 at 11:47 AM
- Canuck said...
Oh yeah, she reads it. She couldn't resist any more than a caged monkey can resist masturbating or throwing feces.
July 7, 2008 at 11:48 AM
As someone she regularly attacks , I for one tried to set the record straight but gave up after noticing that she would not post my comments. The facts are: she did the midnight run from the apts I manage still owing several months of rent.FACT. it was mr Lewis who helped her move.FACT. This person also left mounds of filth and garbage that had to be hauled away.FACT. Before she moved to CB she did the same thing to another person in Ridgeway.FACT.
After several of her personal attacks on me I would respond with the above yet she would not post these facts. There are so many other FACTS that I could comment on but it would fill this page and then some. This "thing" that we are now calling the UNBLOGGER needs to be stopped. I for one would like to go to the C.Meeting on July 21 but i am afraid she will call the police if i get near her.. She thinks I am going to attack her with a kitchen utensil... lol.. no .. just my facts !.. that is the only way I am going to attack her! JP
July 7, 2008 5:48 AM