The UnaBlogger is DEFINITELY NOT anal retentive. This is just too special. Read her recollection of:
a) the time her BFF Helen couldn't hold her bowel and took a dump in a planter
b) how the two of them go walking on the Friendship Trail with toilet paper and defecate -- on public property -- and don't even bother to "scoop."
c) how the Unablogger shit her pants at the video store.
It's all right here.
Call the cops. Call the Ombudsman. Call the bylaw office. This is just too much.
That clinches it. If there was any doubt that she is certifiable and should be committed for hers and others safety, ALL doubt has been eliminated.(Much like her bowels along the friendship trail.) Can somebody PLEASE lock this nutcase up and take her BFF Helen with her. for God sakes, you're 2 grown women. Either start wearing diapers or stay the fuck away from Public spaces. I mean really... children and families have to walk through there! And this is the person calling Town staff and Council's behavior inappropriate? And to her army of winged monkeys...don't follow to close for risk of stepping in her ever increasing piles of shit! To everyone else...keep a wide berth and beware the unabloggers endorsement. To date she has endorsed Pudgy Tommy Lewis, A. M Noyes, Bob Steckley and most recently Kim Craitor. My condolences to all of you, and good luck in your next career. You all have the Unablogger to thank for your bleak political futures.
Well I found another site it seems she intends to use. Its under the name of Maeve Kloten. Just like the email address. Take a look Canuck.
Or maybe go here.... http://divine-www-2.divinecaroline.com/forum/show_posts/43
This is what she put on this sire in answer to some one elses problem.
By: Maeve Kloten | Mark Deleted | Delete Report 01.30.2009 - 11:29 am |
I have a friend whom I helped set up her e-mail account and I read her e-mail all the time. It's a guilty pleasure as she is totally delusional and reinvents herself and tells different e-mail recipients a different story. To give you an example, her latest "boyfriend" is a guy who just got out of jail for beating up his wife. So, I've put together a fascinating dossier of a borderline personality disorder sufferer who somehow lands on her feet despite some pretty harrowing experiences. I plan to write a book it's that interesting. Don't feel guilty. Enjoy.
By gum you're right. Her favorite mistake, moving to Canada. Whose mistake was it -- that goddam immigration department, that's who!!!!
Doesn't that just tear it. Load up on Bran Flakes and ExLax and go for a walk on my damn Friendship Trail.
They're taking each other out for a walk. They should change in the poop and scoop bylaw to include human feces it would be know as the Bowers Bill. Finally, the change she's been calling for. The Bowers Bill will require that all humans who defecate on public property will be required to pick it up. Anyone caught not scooping will summarily have their noses rubbed in it and send to an obedience school. A second offence will be shipment to the SPCA for disposal.
what do you call em? the poopoo peepee pals or the kookoo ca ca kids.
This just in: UnaBlogger is predicting that Doug Martin will resign from council citing health reasons. I doubt Martin will lose his seat, but I predict UnaBlogger will lose her stool! hahahahahahaha
oh great...another one of her dilusional predictions. Is someone keeping a tally? To date has any of her nutty predictions even been remotely close! "Investigations are under way", "Arrests are forthcoming","Town will sell Bay beach properties to pay for racetrack." "Martha Lockwood will be new Mayor". And on and on and on. Now she's shitting all over the friendship trail! Every town has a village idiot. Ours is the mentally disturbed, welfare addicted American living in Ridgeway. Greaaaat...I've never been prouder of my town. What a disgrace!
She took out the post on her blog, she's crazy......I wish the rest of the world would see it too!
She did delete her post about shitting on the Friendship Trail. She explains it ....
It seems I have some stalkers, those who follow my every post and activity. I use this blog to vent and to write creatively. My stalkers apparently don’t know the difference between artistic license and fact. My ventings and silliness are a part of the writing process for me as I am trying to put together a book. I’ve been all over the place with ideas and plots, but still haven’t settled on something that feels comfortable and right. While I do that, my detractors and stalkers will have lots to work with. Enjoy.
There you have it. Her stalkers don't know the difference between artistic licence and fact. You have to admit, when her good ship IMHO Turd sinks, it goes down with all flags flying.
We just love her writing so much we can't get enough.....I can't wait for the book ... and that's a fact, or is it artistic licence?
How artistic is it to write about pooping with her BF on the trail? I'm sure Tommy would love to hear about his mom, sh----- on the trail. Just sick...nothing artistic about it.
Ding Dong the witch is dead!!! But unablogger and her BFF Helen will continue to shit all over Fort Erie. Figuratively and Literaly!
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