Wednesday, February 11, 2009
- Anonymous said...
Can you imagine her and her buddies roamin through town all looking like Elmer Fudd trying to find the rabbits. Ha ha ha ha ha, what a sight that will be.
February 11, 2009 at 7:44 PM
- Anonymous said...
More similarities between the Unablogger and the Unibomber than people want to accept. Teddy K. started off as a critic of local government too, before he started pipe bombing individuals whom he imagined were the cause of evils in his world. Laugh if you will, but unablogger is well on her way to criminal misconduct. She already advocates for vigilante justice and on numerous occassions has allowed threatening posts about individuals on her blog. Someone call the authorities now before it's too late and threats of violence become reality.
February 12, 2009 at 1:32 PM
- Anonymous said...
UnaBlogger is more dangerous than people think. Her self-righteous hypocrisy and flaming testimonials serve no purpose other than to harm individuals. She is a classic anti-social and I suspect psychopathic who would use words instead of knives to do her butchering. She has two emotions -- none and anger.
February 12, 2009 at 9:27 PM
- Anonymous said...
The idea that she thinks she is special or psychic is typical of the narcissism she is afflicted with.
February 12, 2009 at 10:00 PM
- Anonymous said...
hey...I just found some fantastic stuff about interested are you in really burning her ass???? ROTFLMAO
February 14, 2009 at 11:20 PM
- Canuck said...
We're always very interested, so post whatever you have.
February 14, 2009 at 11:27 PM
- Anonymous said...
maybe i was thinking some money
February 14, 2009 at 11:55 PM
- Canuck said...
I would be willing to pay as much money as I would to save the UnaBlogger from drowning.
February 15, 2009 at 9:40 AM
- Anonymous said...
I will contribute $3.75, which I think is the Bridge toll to send her back to the U.S. Post what info you have. Money comes and goes but the joy you will receive by watching Unablogger reap what she has sown is priceless! So please post away.
February 15, 2009 at 10:21 AM
- Canuck said...
Bridge toll to the U.S. is free. It's only charged to get into Canada. There are highway tolls however once you get on the thruway.
February 15, 2009 at 11:55 AM
- Anonymous said...
Come on and cough it up!
February 15, 2009 at 6:22 PM
- Anonymous said...
i will cough it up but i think it should stew for a while first
February 15, 2009 at 9:29 PM
- Anonymous said...
Ok here goes. I followed her advise and looked at something she posted on another blog I couldn't find it right away so I had to search around and found Crystal Strand's Blog, called Writeous Bitch. I'm sure she meant Writeous Butch since she doesn't go anywhere without her "booty guard". Sure enough shes' listed as living in Ridgeway and is the "Editor" of a company called "Crystal Beach Strand" she doesnt use a picture of her whole face, I guess to prevent someone saying that she spelled Bitch instead of Butch, just those dead psycho eyes. So I saw the post called "Welcome To Our Little Theatre Group" then I remembered that federal case she tried to smear a local business because they didn't want anything to do with her when she was putting up posters for a community group. I guess it was the Garrison Little Theatre she was volunteering for. So she posted a series of emails from members of the GLT to show that she thought they were a petty "little" bunch but really what it showed was proof of the statement made here that when you see Sharon Bowers coming, give that Righteous Bitch a wide berth.
Here's what was posted, its really long but shows how when Sharon and Helen Lewis get involved in something it turns into a shitball, sort of a continuation of the shitball she created when she "oh my god" had to negotiate with a businessman to put a poster in a window and a continuation of everything she has ever gotten involved in. Is there anything that she has been near that is better because of her interference?
JANUARY 31, 2009 8:00PM
Welcome to Our Little Theatre Group
Rate: 1 Flag
(As told through e-mails.)
1.) Welcome to our little group! Can't wait to meet you and your talented friend. Glad you ran into Bob at a Christmas Party and he convinced you two to join. We need experienced people like you in our production staff. Our next meeting will be on January 6 (7:00 p.m.) at the hall. Lots to discuss re: new production. I can understand your reluctance to take over the producer's chair right out of the box, but your extensive experience will surely be an asset in our new production. Could have used your help in our Halloween production, but we'll have to just hope that you'll be able to donate some time and ideas for our new play. It looks like I will be producing this play if you can't. My husband Jim will direct. (Clare)
2.) So glad that you and Helen came to the meeting last night! Sorry for the low turnout and lack of a quorum, but it was nice to meet you. It's good that you already know our president, Darlene. We still don't understand why she didn't attend the meeting and why numerous voice mails went unanswered. Of course I sent out e-mails to everyone about the meeting, but we all assumed she'd be there. Good thing we were able to find Vance, our VP, at the gym. Guess all that holiday partying made him forget about the meeting. I do worry that our treasurer, Jane was also not available. She has been difficult to find since she and her husband split up just before the holidays. (Her husband Sam was our group's unofficial photographer and web master, so we have to find him as well to get the pics of the last production and the password to the website if he doesn't plan to continue.) Both Darlene and Jane are very involved in the group. They work very closely together and are inseparable during productions. Darlene has really come out of her shell since she left her husband last year, although she dresses and acts very different since the divorce. We haven't had a secretary since fall. Our former secretary resigned after the Halloween play (she also produced it.) Seems she felt responsible for the fire and resultant evacuation of the hall. I hope you're not upset that we didn't tell you anything too specific about the production, but there are a lot of elements and plot devices that we want to keep secret as they will be a wonderful surprise for the audience. (I was a little upset that Marcy revealed that Ned's character is a ghost. Good thing Ned wasn't there. He may not have appreciated hearing Bob say that it was perfect casting as Ned looked like a corpse. He is sensitive about these things.) We appreciate that you and Helen will decorate the set and do costuming. We'll have to talk about the set and costumes some time soon. Please come to our rehearsal and we can go over the plans. I have attached the set design with the furniture placement. Jim doesn't like doors, windows or couches, so there will be none. It may prove difficult as the opening scene features the son coming through the front door of the family home. (Clare)
3.) Jim and I don't watch much television, only PBS, so I don't know what you mean when you asked whether the family in the play's taste was like Al and Peg Bundy's or the Cleavers'. The play takes place in modern times. The parents are in their late fifties, early sixties and the kids are in their late twenties and early thirties. The style of the furniture doesn't matter as we get our set furniture from the Come-and-Get-'em Wild Bill Auction House on the highway. They have their Big Whoop Sale on February 7 and we get to pick our set pieces from the leftovers just before closing time. Then, we load them up and take them to the hall to set up the stage. All we need for that is a couple of big guys and a truck to carry the furniture to the hall. Remember, NO COUCH! Otherwise, it doesn't matter. We do need pictures and props though. You said that, as a decorator and picture framer you had pictures. Do you have a nice landscape? We need one over the fireplace. We found a fireplace in storage. Also need a couple of floral pictures. As to costumes, we always allow our cast to dress themselves unless it's a period piece. We haven't done one of those since The Importance of Being Earnest back in '02. I know Helen is an experienced seamstress, but we don't need special clothes. All members of the cast will wear jeans and sweatshirts. The mother will wear a bathrobe. The ghost will wear the black suit that he was buried in. My husband Jim thought your idea to have the ghost (Ned) wear a backless suit like those provided from funeral homes, would not work in this production, even though it's a comedy. It's a more subtle comedy, not a slapstick. (Clare)
4.) Glad you two made it to the rehearsal and were able to get an idea of the set - even though we can't set up until the Sunday before the dress rehearsal on Wednesday. Sorry, we don't have a script you can use, but I did notice that you had time to read it before the lighting guy (Dan) came in to pick up his copy. It's quite a hoot, isn't it? Wait until the audience finds out the daughter is pregnant and gay! I know you're concerned that the audience will not realize that Ned is a ghost and only visible to one person, but they'll figure it out. I understand that you found furniture through your sources, but we do have an agreement with Wild Bill's Auction House and we don't want to upset them. They loan us the furniture for free in exchange for four comp tickets to our production. They just love our dinner theatre (especially the free dinner) and didn't even mind the damage to the furniture from the small fire in our Halloween production. Remember NO COUCH! (Clare)
5.) Director's Directive: The pictures of the furniture you found are fine, but Jim and I went to Wild Bill's today and firmed up arrangements to use his furniture instead. Wild Bill will even have the furniture delivered and picked up for $100. so we're happy with that arrangement - even though yours would have cost the group nothing. There is still a lot to do. We need help with painting the set and clean-up. Hope you and Helen will come on February 8. We will provide a free lunch to all volunteers. Still need a landscape. Sofa sized. (Clare)
6.) So sorry you feel that you and Helen have been marginalized, but this is a learning experience for me as I've never produced a play before. My husband Jim has directed other plays when we lived in the city, so he has a vision that he doesn't want to change. While it's nice to get a fresh perspective, we like to keep it simple and the audience doesn't really appreciate the attention to detail as much as you think. We still need your help to paint the flats and tear down the set after the production. (Clare)
7.) I have asked Clare to email this for me 'cause I don't have a computer and I feel compelled to say a few things. I could have sworn on our ride home from the rehearsal that you two were staying away from negativity and craziness. I described to you that our little theatre was a theatre of volunteers, and that I had to make adjustments in my own attitudes when I joined, simply due to my extensive "professional" background. But your comments were not only scathing and hurtful, they were non-productive and unprofessional. Shame on both of you. You know better. Your efforts were appreciated, and we always needs new people, but if there is a communication problem, as obviously there was, it should be dealt with appropriately. (Ned)
8.) Thanks for the best wishes! Bill is getting better, as it was only a minor stroke. The show must go on. I do apologize for the misunderstandings and my lack of experience in producing. I feel like I took your toys away, as they say. It would have been so much better to ask that you just hang around and observe, perhaps pitch in with some small stuff at first.
Best regards, Clare.
9.) Hello, everyone! Our next general meeting is on February 3, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at the hall. We have a lot to catch up on. We will also be electing new officers. President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer are all open. Hope to see you all! We welcome new members!
10.) Hello everyone! We need your help to build the set on February 8! It is not a complicated one... no doors, no windows. Pizza and soft drinks will be provided. Come whenever you can, even if it is just for a while. It is a good experience - you never know when you might want to direct or produce a play! -
February 16, 2009 at 12:20 PM
This is the kind of vigilantism that Unablogger perpetuates on her blog everyday. To encourage violent retribution against municipal staff and government, for alleged offences concocted in her own dillusional mind, is sick! When a group of vigilantes pledges to commit crimes, and places itself above the law, its members risk becoming perverted and unrestrained in their beliefs and actions.(ie. her and her sick band of loyal followers are a hairs breadth away from actually committing a violent act. Law enforcement, town staff, Mayor and Council, please take note) Violence (which is portrayed as vigilantism) is against the law and strong messages need to be provided that it is not tolerated.
The following text SHOULD BE forwarded to the appropriate authorities! I encourage all to save copies of her rambling vitriol as well as those of her contributors whom she is ultimately responsible for.
"A note to the town Staff.
If you have been a part of this YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH!
If you think by resigning you will escape, dream on.
Once the new mayor and council is in place(and there WILL be a new Mayor and council) you WILL Be hunted down and brought to justice by the people of this town.
You crimminals have already lost!
It's just a matter of time."
I used to think she was insane and mostly harmless. I am now convinced she is criminally insane and a risk to offend. So much anger at certain individuals under the guise of "holding people accountable". A message to all...Get her the help she needs or suffer the inevitable consequences.
February 11, 2009 2:26 PM