According to Sharon Bowers, the village idiot of Ridgeway, Crystal Beach and now all of Fort Erie, says I was at the Town Council meeting. I hope my family doesn't find out because they will be mighty surprised to learn that it wasn't me at home on a school night.
I thing we need to tune up the UnaBlogger again.
WTF America???!??!?!?!?
Ok, this IS going to sound Anti-American, but it's not. Not exactly. I love
a number of American citizens, and I'm sure they're not this warped.
I just hav...
I knew it wasn't you, you two-timer. You didn't do that special little thing I like that you do every Tuesday night.
Rejected post on the Strand:
"I would like very much to respond to the poster of September 9, 2010 12:09 PM, but as per the status quo of this blog, my post will likely not be accepted.
That is why I find it NECESSARY to post on the Stranded ..... so my opinion will NOT be censored.
To the poster of September 9, 2010 12:09 PM:
It is not a matter of "fear" of Mr. Papadakis, but rather a concern about his integrity.
I made the post questioning his reported business' that he posted on LinkedIn.
To date, he has posted, or posts through the Editor, or article about him have revealed:
1. He heads up a charity organization, that through Revenue Canada is listed as a "Revoked Charity"
2. On Linkedin, he portrays himself as someone who owns a business in the legal profession.
3. He has previously been reported as promoting that paralegals ( of which he is one) be hired by the Town of Fort Erie to address the outstanding traffic violations. That, if elected is an extreme case of conflict of interest.
4. His platform addresses at cut back in staffing at town hall, but he has suggested that each councillor be provided with a secretary.
Who is this lame candidate? Someone who as his initiation into politics, ran for mayor and got his butt beat. Now is on an "encouraged" campaign to seek a council seat.
No we are not "afraid" of Mr. Papadakis in the term that you imply as him being a threat. We are afraid that if he were to win the seat, he would be the MOST incompetent, self serving, councillor that Fort Erie has ever seen.
I am NOT a town asskisser ( a term that the Editor likes to use very frequently ..... makes you wonder doesn't it?), but rather a legitimate resident of Fort Erie voicing my opinion and my knowledge. I take elections seriously, and take every opportunity to learn as much as I can about the candidates as I can. The internet provides a wealth of information. Mr. Papadakis is running in my ward, and I will NOT vote for him. I do not trust him."
Hold on .... wait a minute ..... STOP THE PRESSES !!!!!!
95% of Fort Erie's population is OPPOSED to the Bay Beach Development ......
Then Marcia Carlyn sends an email that states: "Many voters in the Town of Fort Erie still don't know about the 12-storey condo tower the Town plans to build on Bay Beach. It's hard to believe, but it's true!"
Excuse my language, but Holy Shit ..... what kind of crap has this bullshit queen and her host of trail crappers been feeding people.
Her email in entirety"
" Dear friends of Bay Beach ...
Many voters in the Town of Fort Erie still don't know about the 12-storey condo tower the Town plans to build on Bay Beach. It's hard to believe, but it's true! To help spread the word, we created a colourful Bay Beach flyer (see attached). Please forward it to everyone you know. You might also want to print the flyer and share it with others (use a colour printer if possible). Other ways to help -- ask local businesses to put the flyer in their window, drop off some flyers in places where people are looking for something to read (laundromats, auto repair shops, etc.), and post the flyer on bulletin boards in stores. Any other ideas?
The election on October 25th is very important ... the entire Town council will be on the ballot! Some folks have asked - Can U.S. citizens vote in the election if they own land in the Town of Fort Erie and pay taxes? Unfortunately, the answer is NO unless they have dual citizenship. Landed Immigrants and Permanent Residents of Canada also cannot vote.
The good news - Canadian citizens can vote in this election if they reside in the Town of Fort Erie OR they own land in the Town OR their spouse owns land in the Town (even if their primary residence is in another municipality). In this case, they may vote in both places for municipal elections. College students who are 18 or older on Election Day may also vote in two places – in the municipality where they attend school and also in their home town. Eligible voters have several options ... they may vote on October 25th or on one of the Advance Vote Days (October 15, 16, 18, and 19). If someone cannot vote in person on any of these voting days, they may vote by proxy, designating another person to vote for them. Proxy Form 3 may be picked up at Town Hall or downloaded by clicking on this link: . Box C must be signed and dated on or after Sept 11, 2010.
The easiest way to find out if you are on the Voters' List is to call the Town Clerk at 905-871-1600 x2218. You may also go to Town Hall or to one of the libraries to inspect the Voters' List. If your name is not listed or your name or address is incorrect, you will need to complete an "Application to Amend Voters' List" form which is available at Town Hall and all three libraries. If you're married, make sure your spouse (including common law spouse) is also on the Voters' List if he/she is a Canadian citizen. Please tell all your Canadian friends and neighbours about these voting facts!
More good news - We have a strong case for our OMB appeal opposing the Town's decision to rezone Bay Beach. Our lawyer (Eric Gillespie) has assembled an outstanding legal team but we have not yet reached our fundraising target. If you have not already donated to our legal challenge fund, please send in a contribution today (large or small). Just click on
We'll surely succeed if we stick together ... thanks for your help!
Marcia Carlyn
Crystal Beach resident"
If anyone has the time or the energy I suggest you post her predictions that didn't come true, the bald lies, the excuses, the accusations, and anything that was personally insulting or offensive.
Then you post all her whining about how she is treated bad.
Then you post all the nice things she's said about her "dream team" for council.
Whenever you get coupons in the mail or flyer for Oreo cookies, you send them to her. Maybe a bag of chips. If anyone knows the name of a good shrink, send that.
I stayed to the very end of the council meeting. Her saying that I had left is either another one of those stupid lies or another example of her failure to observe reality.
Notice how she says she left after me. Is that first-class stalking or what?
I invite Sharon to get herself a high colonic. A real high one that reaches up to her brain. Even the backwash will be less polluted than her mind is now.
I personally think that Mr. John Papadakis might have a chance to win the seat for Council in Crystal Beach. It's not because he's worthy, it's because MS. Bowers and Papadakis are having a tiff! Their business venture went sour and MS. Bowers didn't appreciate working her fat tail off while Johnny Papadakis was lounging around! She won't be promoting his lazy ass anymore.His campaign office at Chubbies is gone and so is Bowers. She apparently didn't want to pay the September rent and bailed(Retired)! lol Now he might have a chance for two or three more votes. LOL
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