According to the Unablogger's own numbers, residents of Welland are getting a better deal for their taxes regarding employees. They spend $24,000,000 for 50,000 population. That's $480 per person to pay Welland wages.
In Fort Erie, $11,245,000 of tax money (that number is highly inflated by the Unablogger, but it doesn't matter) is used to pay employees in a town of 30,000. That's $374.83 per person.
So what's the problem, Unablogger? Looks to me Fort Erie's getting a deal. According to Unablogger, Fort Erie has too many staff for a town of 30,000, but she uses a comparison which is actually higher to prove her point.
Um, yes, her US education included university level logic. The question is did she pass the course?
Hello Mensa? I've got a candidate for you.
By the way, she writes that she complains about everything because she loves this place. "When you love something, set it free." Please.
WTF America???!??!?!?!?
Ok, this IS going to sound Anti-American, but it's not. Not exactly. I love
a number of American citizens, and I'm sure they're not this warped.
I just hav...
the thing i like about the so-called editor the best is she is unapologetic and probably doesn't even think she's doing anything wrong so she just hangs herself
This draws a picture of someone so desperate for validation that she has to tell everyone how she feels about everything but really is telling us how she feels about herself.
Is it stupid? You'd have to think so. Cutting everyone down from the "comfort zone" of a mountain of ignorance. Is it sick? You'd think so. She utterly refuses to look at the facts that are readily available, taking a little bit here, a little bit there, mixing in vague thoughts about how the whole world is corrupt.
Nobody is interested, not now anyway, about her "therapeutic" writing except her BFF -- her "bootyguard" -- even then I doubt she cares and only is gratified that someone validates her child.
Misery loves company and serial fuckheads need each other.
Oh yes, she graduated from university -- magna cum douche-bag.
You can add a narcissistic sense of entitlement where everyone is to blame for her problems except her self.
Why does she always claim that her views are shared by "many others in the area"
Does she go out and poll people, or does "many others" include her and her gossip group?
The trick to understanding the Unablogger at least when it comes to a statement of fact is this: it's not true.
She wants to be a spokesman for the people. The truth of the matter is she speaks to no one and is not interested in what anyone thinks.
She thinks any monkey can influence public opinion, and by god this monkey's going to try by insulting and berating the very people she wants to influence.
There are a few people in town who have this way of sucking the air out of a room, she's one of them.
Not to mention, any comments I've made to her blog that have directly contradicted her "position" haven't shown up... I guess it's "the editor's prerogative"
Oh My Lord she keeps digging herself in.... this is truly pathetic. I usually love making fools of net-kooks like her, but oh man she's just too easy a target. I can't believe the lies and fabrication emanating from her node on the mis-information highway. It's not even a challenge.
she seems to know ip addresses or something... she won't post any more of my comments...
I don't think it's possible to know right away the IP address when someone posts. But premium payment plans allows her to analyze visits to the site using the Google Analytics. Possibly, she waits until a report is done and tracks back the time and decides whether to post.
Why don't you post something like -- ALL the politicians in FORT FAILURE are CORRUPTED failures etc., etc. and see.
Well, I've been posting through a proxy server anyway, I knew right away she'd would be dramatic about the stop breathing comment.
she'll allow posts that are meant to be insulting, but she won't post anything that proves her information is wrong or that shows the faults in her logic.
She likes to be insulted, called a cow, liar, bully, etc. It's all part of what feeds her butchered psyche. To be proven wrong, she can't handle that. It's the narcissist in her. She thinks she can be a big time citizen journalist just because she thinks she can preach to the choir -- as screwed up as they are united only in their personal disdain for people who have done something with their lives. Look at the whack jobs she's supporting -- they're all political losers. The people made their choice and they can't handle it.
Whatever drugs she's on, she should up the dose.
As someone she regularly attacks , I for one tried to set the record straight but gave up after noticing that she would not post my comments. The facts are: she did the midnight run from the apts I manage still owing several months of rent.FACT. it was mr Lewis who helped her move.FACT. This person also left mounds of filth and garbage that had to be hauled away.FACT. Before she moved to CB she did the same thing to another person in Ridgeway.FACT.
After several of her personal attacks on me I would respond with the above yet she would not post these facts. There are so many other FACTS that I could comment on but it would fill this page and then some. This "thing" that we are now calling the UNBLOGGER needs to be stopped. I for one would like to go to the C.Meeting on July 21 but i am afraid she will call the police if i get near her.. She thinks I am going to attack her with a kitchen utensil... lol.. no .. just my facts !.. that is the only way I am going to attack her! JP
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