Friday, November 28, 2008

If Unablogger Hates It, Good Enough For Me

I don't know Jim Thibert. I've never met him. I've seen his picture in the newspaper but I couldn't say I'd know him to see him. But if the Unablogger hates him, he must be a hell of guy.

I can't think of any better endorsement of him than to be disliked by the Unablogger.

And speaking of endorsements, it's too bad about that new restaurant in Crystal Beach, the South Coast Cookout. It got the Unablogger's seal of approval otherwise known as the kiss of death.

People, we can still save the restaurant in spite of Unablogger's curse. Please go down and patronize the place. Whoever owns it is trying real hard and God knows they don't deserve the stench of Unablogger's endorsement.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dear Finaly Awake In Fort Erie

This was posted on the Unablogger site.

Anonymous said...

I went to the "other blog" site you pointed out.

Never have I seen such a childish blog.

It seems Editor that you hit a nerve with this bunch.

All they seem to do is attack anyone who tries to do good in this Town.

From Papadakis's charities fire truck to Richard Berry and many more.

Nowhere in this vile blog do they offer any disscusion or insight to the issues of Fort Erie.

Keep up the good work Editor. Many people like myself have realized what a mistake we made in the last election.

Frankly I hope ALL of the past candidates run again, I for one will donate my time to them.

Finaly Awake In Fort Erie

November 21, 2008 12:03 PM

Dear Finaly Awake In Fort Erie,

Please explain why this recent post was deleted by the Citizen Urinalist:

I apologize for no one. Why is it that people who disagree with you or who point out your errors are apologists for the mayor or are otherwise insulted and their remarks are censored? Seems to me free speech to you means freedom to agree with you and you freely attack people quite viciously without cause.

If assessments are increased, the tax rate could very well go down, yet the levy could increase and if the levy is increased more than the assessment growth allows the individual tax bill will increase. There's important definitions that you are obviously unaware of, and since you don't personally get an assessment notice or a tax bill, I wouldn't expect you to understand. But people who do understand are vilified.

My tax bill did not increase 22 per cent in the past two years and neither did anyone else's I know, and believe me, when the bills came in, we all compared.

If you even tried to deal with the real information and not your wishes that everyone is corrupt to give you a reason to be enraged, you might get some respect.

This was in response to:

The Editor said...

Oh, I got it all right. You are certainly earning your keep as the mayor's apologist. The proof will be revealed when everyone's taxes go up. I'm just trying to shed light as to how they'll justify the rate increase. Still waiting for meaningful cuts at town haul.
November 10, 2008 11:46 AM

Your comments are exactly what could be said about the Unablogger's little Piss Parade, replacing names of course. It was the Unablogger that started this and it was the Unablogger who challenged those who challenged her unsubstantiated and false accusations to start their own blog. That challenge was accepted. This blog does not pretend to discuss the "issues." This blog conforms 100% to its purpose that is written in the header. If you don't like it, I suggest you get Unablogger to change her ways. But she won't, because she is an obstinant, unapologetic, miserable old cow under the care of a psychiatrist.

Unablogger is free to have her blog and discuss her issues. It is tantamountly disgraceful and disgusting to call people crooks, cowards, alcoholics, wife beaters and more and absolutely appalling to call for them to be assaulted, murdered or that they should commit suicide.

All the Unablogger has to do is show the proof of her allegations or recant and apologize in writing and in public, maybe even at a town council meeting on TV so that I can see it. That's it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

But wait . . . isn't that what she wanted?

Bilious Bulbous the Blogger is complaining about the proposed property standards bylaw. It's too harsh, it's invasive, and will cause someone to incite violence. Hmmm. She did call for a crackdown in Crystal Beach and called for a rough and ready approach to zoning compliance.

A comment on a previous thread here said:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this new bylaw passes in the next few weeks is that going to mean her good friend J. Papadakis is goin to have to move his fire truck. Maybe this is why she is so against what is in the bylaw. Just trying to protect the next Fort Erie Fire Dept? Just a thought.

November 19, 2008 3:06 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Is that some kind of threat?

In case you thought there was exaggeration involved when it was said here that Sharon Bowers includes friends and families of those at whom she points her vile hate campaigns, this was posted tonight.

Anonymous said...

Wilson should do the best thing that he can do for his whole family and that is to get outta dodge.

November 17, 2008 6:43 PM

Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?

The page has been saved and archived.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Ancient Journalistic Secret

Sharon Bowers continues to assail me. This time because I happen to know approximately the amount of money the municipality spends in one year.

Here's what she wrote:

Ann Marie Noyes tried to get council to set guidelines for the tax
rate increase as well as increases to water and sewer rates, but
her motions were defeated. In the meantime, the town
administration's mouthpiece/blogger has already let the cat out
of the bag: the budget for 2009 will be $15 million. Part of the
reason given for the defeat of Noyes's motion was that it was
premature, yet someone in town hall has revealed what the
budget will be before it is even discussed.

"Budget discussions will begin very soon and council
needed to set dates it will meet to deliberate on how to
spend nearly $15 million."

Mike Cloutier

Cloutier assailed Councillor Noyes for reporting that she
cannot be in attendance at certain budget meetings because of
a family trip to Disney World. As if there's something wrong
with that. At least the taxpayers aren't paying for it - like the
Dubai Debacle.

Did I say nearly $15 million, I meant over $15 million. And that was a rough estimate based on my memory of the 2008 budget deliberations. In actuality it's over $16 million -- $16.3 million to be more exact is projected for 2009. That figure is from Appendix A to Administrative Report CS-34-08, submitted to council on Oct. 20. I suppose since Frau Popinfresh doesn't know something, it's some kind of big secret.

I'm so good, the Deluded Deleter thinks I have "inside" information. She might think that all I do is pick my nose, scratch my ass, contort myself like I have "some Biblical disease", eat my happy meals (actually it used to be Bacon Cheeseburgers), dream about my next frosty cold delicious beer and wish for a Deep Throat to find me. In fact, I pay attention to council proceedings.

What's wrong with Ann-Marie Noyes' plans for a Disney World holiday? Those two weeks, combined with Martha Lockwood's absence the week following U.S. Thanksgiving means budget deliberations are pushed back three weeks. So instead of budget meetings ending in February -- give or take a couple of weeks for what might lay ahead -- they'll end in mid-March offering very little to no opportunity for reconsideration.

On top of that, councillors will have to wrap their heads around new accounting procedures called Tangible Asset Valuation beginning in 2009. The quaint term "infrastructure gap" that Noyes and others have used will now be shown on a balance sheet and it will likely show an unbalanced or deficit position, the same as every other municipality in Ontario. I can hear the raving now.

Meanwhile, Noyes will be soaking up sun in Florida instead of wrestling a budget that is associated with the single biggest change in the way municipalities manage their finances in the 25 years I've been covering municipal councils here and elsewhere. That's what's wrong.

If the rest of council behaved the way Sharon Bowers and Ann-Marie Noyes like to say they do, they would have said, "You're not going to be here: too bad." And they should have.

Excuse me now, I have a will-not to exorcise.

Friday, November 14, 2008

She can dish it but can't take it

Citizen Urinalist has a lengthy article complaining about this anti-Strand blog. Her complaint -- it is exactly the same thing she does, but it's all about her. The difference though is that it is accurate and only turns her own words around at her. She has made scurrilous attacks on private citizens, their friends and business associates even beyond her own blog to other blogs.

"I have been called a terrorist, a cheat, a thief, and various and sundry other things that, in the opinion of legal council is slanderous, but too expensive to take to court," she writes. Then you can see the quandary others are in.

She did not seek legal counsel. If she had, legal counsel would have said it is "defamatory" and potentially "libellous" not "slanderous."

False address? Tell that to the domain registration company.

Whois Record

Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2007-06-02
Registration Date.... 2007-06-02
Expiry Date.......... 2009-06-02
Organisation Name.... SHARON BOWERS
Organisation Address. P.O. BOX 501
Organisation Address. 311 Bertie Place
Organisation Address. RIDGEWAY
Organisation Address. L0S1N0
Organisation Address. ON
Organisation Address. CANADA

Admin Name........... SHARON BOWERS
Admin Address........ P.O. BOX 501
Admin Address........ 311 Bertie Place
Admin Address........ RIDGEWAY
Admin Address........ L0S1N0
Admin Address........ ON
Admin Address........ CANADA
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... +1.9059920105
Admin Fax............

Citizen Urinalist is well within her rights to publish the truth about people handling the public's affairs. She is not within her rights to express defamatory and false information. She is not within her rights to hold private citizens up for ridicule.

"They find it much easier to smear the voice of dissent than to just do a good job," she also writes.

"And to my detractors: Bring it on! As long as you're attacking me, you're giving The Strand recognition - which is a very, very good thing."

No problem.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Double-dipping dipshit

It took us a while to figure out why Citizen Urinalist has chosen to keep her U.S. citizenship while being a landed immigrant in Canada for 20 years.

Two important documents allow her to float under the welfare and taxation radar, a Canadian Social Insurance Number and a U.S. Social Security Number.

With the SIN she can open one bank account into which her welfare and other government payments are deposited. She can open another account under her American identity with the SSN which can remain separate from the Canadian account and transactions are hidden from cursory examinations of her Canadian tax forms.

The payments she is receiving from her patrons in order to conduct her slander campaigns is funneled into the account of the U.S. persona and no one is the wiser. It's not a huge amount, but enough.

As she said herself $525 a month is barely enough to live on yet she can afford to operate a car, have high-speed internet, cable TV (HBO no less), a cell phone, a land line, a bad Oreo habit, and all the over the counter meds she can wash down with Nyquil as she goes from drug store to drug store all across the peninsula.

Her patrons know all about laundering money with $5,000 ditching jobs, $500 oil changes and $50 photocopies and gifts in kind, like a full tank of gas now and then, a run out to the pharmacy and a connection with the NRP to run private citizens through the cop computer, which are logged by the way.

It's been said before, and it'll be said again, Citizen Urinalist takes everything about herself and projects it on others. She is calling unwanted attention on her patrons when all she wants is her own attention and a lot of people will be dragged down with her.