Saturday, October 31, 2009

Keep Away From Children

This was posted this morning and it deserves its own thread.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who gave that bitch the right to take pictures of children on the street and post them on the internet. The principal of my kids school is definitely going to here about this and the school board too.

October 31, 2009 9:43 AM

I know I didn't sign any release forms to allow that psychopath near my kid. I would absolutely refuse to have her anywhere near her. To have it posted on a web page that gets "1000 + hits a day" and associated with that criminally insane clap-trap is too much. This is just too much. The schools have a responsibility to keep students protected from lunatics.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

She is a very stupid rodent

Didn't the grand hypotwit of know...that American, the guest in Canada...just a few weeks ago says she doesn't write about how people look, yet she says the planner looks like a mole.

You know what Sharon looks like, a cow, right. Complete with the uncontrollable bowel. Remember she regaled us with how she and her friend Helen were unable to keep their stools inside and actually took a dump on the Friendship Trail.

My question is, where was the cow when the development plan was made, presumably approved by the planner and the town council, for the house that she lives in? For any of the houses the she and her circle of jerkers live in. Where were they then?
