Saturday, December 20, 2008

Stay on topic please

We're only going to discuss UnaBlogger here. Unproven comments about others in her gang won't be posted. One previously has been censored and another is not being posted today. You can say all you want about the idea, but not the person. Until the subject publicly (not just an anonymous post) calls someone out and uses UnaBloggers tactics of insult and intimidation and maligns somebody, they are untouchable. It's a fine distinction, but any other route will put this blog on the slippery slope to hell along with the UnaBlogger.

Speaking of which: it seems as if they're not blowing quite so hard into her fart hole to make it come out her pie hole. Winter beards interfere with the seal I guess.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Here's the whole Watergate story

The Washington Post has put together a lengthy retrospective on the Watergate scandal. I've been reminded to point out that the reporters did reporting and a lot of work. They didn't just write what Deep Throat said. They didn't couch their insecurities in vague innuendo, and they didn't make things up. They didn't work themselves into a blind rage and they didn't ignore the facts.

Deep Throat is dead

Well it seems Booger the Editor is shit out of luck. Mark Felt, the associate director of the FBI during the Watergate years and the source of leads for Woodward and Bernstein, has died.

Here's how the New York Times reported it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

She's in her element

Well UnaBlogger is in her element spreading her personal misery around. She is awfully gleeful about layoff notices racetrack employees got.

Christmas is the season of light. We hope she sees it and walks straight towards it.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Shoes off for the new U.S. senator

New York needs a new senator for the U.S. Congress. We nominate the UnaBlogger.