Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Situation At The Racetrack
Friday, November 27, 2009
It Has Reawakened!
Anonymous said...
I know who you are, Canuck. Using your employer's computer to publish hate-filled slander will cost you your job. Karma is such a bitch, isn't it?
November 27, 2009 2:10 PM
Thursday, November 19, 2009
One For The Scrapbook
It's interesting that on the other blog I'm accused of being a narcissist, yet all they do is write about me and every little piece of minutia that they can come up with about me, whether it is true or not. They post solely to slam me and a couple of others. Meanwhile, at least MM is trying to keep the discourse open. The other blog sounds like the ravings of a lunatic cyber stalker.
November 14, 2009 12:20 PM
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Another Blog Starts Up
In order to keep the Mighty Mouth as a forum to discuss the issues of the town as a rebuttal to her psychotic delusions, this blog will continue as a forum as an outlet against Sharon's sociopathy.
Discuss issues there. Discuss Sharon here.
Here's a post from Sharon, her Manifesto. In effect it says Ann Marie Noyes and Bob Steckley are good. Everyone else is bad. Looks to me as if Noyes and Steckley are going down with Battleship Bowers too. Goodbye Ann Marie and Bob.
Can anyone tell us how many times her gloves have come off? Better to grip her enormous cheeks to get some hot air into that fart hole of hers.
Blogger The Editor said...
Here's to the person(s) who are complaining because I'm rejecting their posts:
Now that the election is less than a year away, the tone of this blog will become even more edgy and I will not be printing your self-serving BS posts. From now on, this blog will be openly working to unseat the present council and mayor. We will be working to oust Martha Lockwood (Ward 5) who has done nothingfor the ward except sell out to a developer; "Bully Boy" Tim Whitfield for being allowed to call another councillor a liar and demand her resignation when he lied in print about "threats" to himself; Rick Shular, who is trying so hard for acceptance in the Old Boys' Club that he'll vote against the best interestds of his constituency; Sandy Annunziata, who is too busy gathering photo ops for his proposed run for MPP to properly serve his ward. To Ann Marie and Bob Steckley who are alone in the morass of current council: stay put and seek re-election in your ward. Help and support is on the way. As to mayor: We will support the candidate who runs on the promise that the EDTC and the CGDC as separate corporations will be abolished and will return to town hall as departments. Both Jim Thibert and Russ Wilson will be fired and there will be a thorough efficiency study and hopefully, the top heavy, high paid senior staff will be reduced. (We are on the side of the beleaguered front line town workers who are bearing the brunt of the backlash against the incompetence emanating from town hall.) This town's management is cancerous. It will continue to kill this community if the people don't use their power to elect honest, accountable representatives. The gloves are off. Go write your slander and call me names all you want in the other blog. This is about the future of Fort Erie.
November 11, 2009 9:59 AM
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
A Mighty Wind
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
She is a very stupid rodent
You know what Sharon looks like, a cow, right. Complete with the uncontrollable bowel. Remember she regaled us with how she and her friend Helen were unable to keep their stools inside and actually took a dump on the Friendship Trail.
My question is, where was the cow when the development plan was made, presumably approved by the planner and the town council, for the house that she lives in? For any of the houses the she and her circle of jerkers live in. Where were they then?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Marching With The Whack Jobs
So now we know who's the "little birdie" whispering sweet nothings in her ear once and for all. It's the chorus of bird brains that populate the forum of the criminally insane and totally retarded that Bowers is responsible for.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Read The Lines, Not What's Between Them
Many good people have been unfairly attacked by Sharon Bowers and she has refused numerous times to post well-thought out cogent arguments to her posts and instead suggested that we start our own blog. We did.
All we really hear from her is about how she is being attack and discredited as part of a wide conspiracy to shut down dissent, and how everyone is corrupt, or they are alcoholics, wife beaters, extortionists, bullies and on and on.
This blog has pointed out numerous times that it's not the issues that Sharon Bowers rails against, it's the people around them, using the issues as an excuse to extract her own pound of flesh, making up information, exaggerating and misdirecting.
There's only so many times you can go up to someone and poke them in the eye before there is a response. If she stopped being offensively critical of people in this town, and many of them are private citizens, not public figures, who are being dragged through her blog the same way a dog scratches its arse on the carpet, this blog will stop. It has been demonstrated when she went into retirement this spring that we will do that, but then she decided to come out of retirement.
So until Sharon Bowers stops her psychotic, anti-social campaign against just about everyone in town, this blog will continue to expose Sharon as the anti-social psychotic that she so strongly has demonstrated time and again and again and again ad nauseum.
When some stranger searches on the internet for Fort Erie or Crystal Beach or anything she vomits about, and happens across the Crystal Beach Strand, they will also have the opportunity to read this blog as well.
I can't think of anyway to say that any simpler or clearer.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Buggery continued
Somebody over there sure wants us to think the mayor has bugged someone's business. Details, give us details.
- Anonymous said...
Espescially when the Mayor is part of the political spying scandle that the NRP will NOT look into
August 4, 2009 12:07 PM
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Just How Stupid Is She?
The Editor said...
Mrs. Whitfield, if you haven't heard the rumour I was referring to, then you're not paying attention. As you well know, I have been dogged by a couple of stories put out by people who posted anonymously on another blog. Welcome to my world - and the world of politics. The Bay Beach issue and some other issues in this town are going to turn into a bloodbath because there are people who are not working in the best interests of the people they represent. One of them is your husband. There is a great deal of anger at town elected officials right now and with good cause, IMHO.
July 16, 2009 7:31 PM
So, our university educated logician and "I write for therapy" author (ha ha) figures its okay to defame Mrs. Whitfield because a) comments made about Sharon Bowers in this blog and b) Mrs. Whitfield is married to a town councillor.
How lame is that? What about all those other instances of the UnaBlogger's psychotic meandering, the censoring and the challenge she made that led to this blog. What a completely stupid defence to a completely indefencible position.
Rumors of what, exactly, Sharon? We only go by what you wrote, heavily spiced with the facts. What are you going to wear to the Poolitzer Prize dinner? Besides your diaper.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Ain't She A Piece Of Work!
Anonymous said...
But its ok for you to call others "names"! Shows that you can not play well in the "sandbox" either !!!..
July 1, 2009 7:40 AM
The Editor said...
Can you tell me what "names" I've called people? . . .
Then, she launched into another person who wrote another letter to the editor. Her big problem -- it was over the 200-word limit and had grammar mistakes. She surmises that since he bought a home in Crystal Beach 15 years ago, he only likely only paid $20,000 but would never be able to get anything for less than $100,000 now. "Pay attention, Mr. Brown. We are," she says.
So these guys go out of their way to express their opinion, and the UnaBlogger says they are nothing but PR pieces for the Molinaro Group, and they are both personally insulted.
Pay attention, Sharon Bowers. We are.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
How Does She Find The Time?
A Bunch Of Things She Didn't Do
Blogger The Editor said...
Can you tell me what "names" I've called people? I have good reasons to refer to certain town officials as "incompetent" and "manipulative." I'm sure that in the exhaustive study of my life that some have undertaken, they have found many mistakes and incidents of bad judgment. But, here are some things I've not done: appear at council drunk and then engage in a loud argument with a candidate and have to be escorted from chambers; been fired from numerous jobs because of drunkenness; been fired for incompetence; misused public money; have a hidden agenda regarding certain land sales; etc. (there's more, but this is the salient part)
July 1, 2009 9:36 AM
The things you didn't do are not at issue Miss I-Took-A-University-Level-Course-In-Logic.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
All Sharon, All The Time
Nothing will be posted about other people, but I can't say that they don't sneak in because I don't know how to do the creative editing that Sharon Bowers does. Libellous attacks on people you may think are responsible for the posts on this blog definitely will not be posted.
One of them says "you will be exposed as the criminal you are as for the posting of sharons address well i hope you puppet masters have a good lawyer."
The thing is, her address was taken from public records on the internet that she provided to set up her domains and You can access them yourself at and just type in the web addresses.
This is the information for
Whois Record
Domain ID:D156500167-LROR
Created On:24-Jun-2009 04:42:41 UTC
Last Updated On:24-Jun-2009 04:42:43 UTC
Expiration Date:24-Jun-2010 04:42:41 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Melbourne IT, Ltd. dba Internet Names Worldwide (R52-LROR)
Registrant ID:D124580357160955
Registrant Name:Sharon Bowers
Registrant Organization:Sharon Bowers
Registrant Street1:311 Bertie Pl. Unit 2
Registrant Street2:
Registrant Street3:
Registrant City:Ridgeway
Registrant State/Province:Ontario
Registrant Postal Code:L0S1N0
Registrant Country:CA
Registrant Phone:+1.9059920105
Registrant Phone Ext.:
Registrant FAX:
Registrant FAX Ext.:
Registrant Email:
Admin ID:D124580357160952
Admin Name:Sharon Bowers
Admin Organization:Sharon Bowers
Admin Street1:311 Bertie Pl. Unit 2
Admin Street2:
Admin Street3:
Admin City:Ridgeway
Admin State/Province:Ontario
Admin Postal Code:L0S1N0
Admin Country:CA
Admin Phone:+1.9059920105
Admin Phone Ext.:
Admin FAX:
Admin FAX Ext.:
Admin Email:
Tech ID:D124580357160954
Tech Name:YahooDomains TechContact
Tech Organization:Yahoo! Inc
Tech Street1:701 First Ave.
Tech Street2:
Tech Street3:
Tech City:Sunnyvale
Tech State/Province:CA
Tech Postal Code:94089
Tech Country:US
Tech Phone:+1.6198813096
Tech Phone Ext.:
Tech FAX:
Tech FAX Ext.:
Tech Email:
Name Server:YNS1.YAHOO.COM
Name Server:YNS2.YAHOO.COM
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
Name Server:
It doesn't take a good lawyer to defend this. Even a bad lawyer will tell you that public information is public and posting it is perfectly legal.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Here's Another Big Pile
The Crystal Beach
The Little Blog That Could -
and Did! 1000+ Hits a Day
© Sharon E. Bowers 2009
e-mail: crystalbeachstrand
Phone: 905-992-0105
The Crystal Beach Strand has made every
reasonable effort to ensure that the information
displayed on this website is accurate and
responsible. The Crystal Beach Strand does not
accept responsibility, or legal liability, for
information that may have become incorrect, or
misleading due to the passage of time or other
conditions. Every reasonable effort is made to keep
all information displayed current and up to date. To
the best of our knowledge information is accurate at
the time of writing and publication. Any opinions
expressed on this web site are given without
prejudice and are the opinion of the editor and
contributors to this site.
I wonder, what is "reasonable effort to ensure that the information displayed on this website is accurate and responsible"? Could it be sticking her finger up her ass to find out if it smells like news?
"Without prejudice"?????!!!! Try "With Extreme Prejudice".
How about something like this:
I, Sharon Bowers, am a complete shitball. I am a malingering and malignant turd. I do this blog as therapy. My therapy is to try to make people feel bad so that I don't feel so much worse. I am a pathological liar, a thief and a carpet bagger. I am a miserable soul. Anyone who has dealt with me has paid for it. I stab people in the back and blame them for showing me their back. I am a worthless piece of shit not worthy of being eaten by a maggot.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
A Big Load Of Bull
Anonymous said...
Editor, first let me state that I share yours and many other posters concerns regarding the proposed development and the shortcomings of our council. But i do have to pose some questions.
Regarding the alledged "bugging" of a local business, exactly what has been turned over to the police. Is it just a statement of this activity as I suspect that the video and audio tapes are in the possesion of the perpetrators.
That being said, the person who has actually seen these tapes must be in the company of those who have possesion of these tapes. You direct your discussion on this issue towards city hall, so you have lead us to assume that they are involved in this matter and you have an inside contact there supplying you with information or mis-information.
I do not undestand why you keep putting things off until the election. A lot can happen in a year and a half before the new council, or old, are sworn inTo keep putting off any action against the development until the election provides the current council ample time to vote this deal through.
As for the alledged tapes, this is a serious crime. You also are suggestion that the police are co-conspiring in this by not reacting and investigating this. Go to the RCMP. I would think it better to see the persons involved charged, jailed and removed from their council seats in a disgraced manner rather than making it an election issue where they simple lose the election over this issue.
We keep posting to get rid of this city council NOW, but when an overwhelming issue comes up that can certainly ruin the political careers of those involved, you choose not to react for another year.
I have to admit that you, the Editor, have a history of making statments suggestion an inpropriety and promising to report later on them, and they never seem to happen. You have done so three times in this thread already.
This is an earth shattering event, this alleged "bugging" that would rock city hall. Why wait?June 20, 2009 7:21 AM
The Editor said...
As far as I know, the "bugging" issue has been brought to the RCMP's attention. I was told of this situation by those who were "bugged." I suggested exactly what you have, but they are proceeding in this matter in their own way. That is why I haven't fully reported on it. The NRP is aware of the situation; the "bugs" had already been removed; and the investigation was dropped - even though an NRP officer overheard a telephone conversation where one person admitted to seeing and hearing tapes of private conversations conducted in the place of business. Someone is stonewalling this investigation and, if I had the time and money, I would pursue it further, but I'm trying to concentrate on the Bay Beach issue as that it critical. The town is moving on the Bay Beach situation very quickly and we must stop it! I will reread this thread and try to keep any promises I made. Frankly, the last several months have been very difficult for me personally. I'm trying very hard to get back on track.
June 20, 2009 11:05 AM
Thursday, June 18, 2009
What's Bugging YOU Part D'uh
The Editor said...
We have proof that a local community activist's business was "bugged." admitted to by someone who had seen videos and heard audio tapes. The matter was turned over to the police, but nothing has been done to date. We suspect that is has to do with pressure by certain people who are on the police services board. As to your opinion that the new development will "stimulate growth in the area," please explain. I believe that's a chimera manufactured by the proponents to make people believe that things will get better in Crystal Beach when this development is built. The so-called "benefits" are rather vague. I just don't see it.
June 18, 2009 10:15 PM
What's Bugging YOU?
Anonymous said...
The Old Boys Club (OBC), including the Corrupt Senior Staff (CSS), Town Parasites and Asskissers (TPA) have begun a campagin of slander, spying with electronic bugs(which by the way the Niagara Regional Police refuse to investigate because Mayor Doug Martin is Vice-Chair of the Police Services Board) and defimation against anyone who is standing up to them and could be a threat to them in the next election.
What they fail to see is that the people have awakened to what they are and the danmage they have done to our community while they and their buddies grow fat at the expense of the taxpayer.
The people have begun to fight aganist them and on November 12 2010- just as the BRAVE people of Iran are standing up and against their oppressers so will the People of Fort Erie. There will be those who will try to discredit this truth but remmeber this: It matters not if the oppression is at the federal level or Municipal level, the opprression is still the same......
"And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and depression".
"And where once you had the freedom to object, think, and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission".
"How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror".
"I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which CONSPIRED to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor".
"He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demand was your blind obedince and submission".
Remmeber, Remmeber the 5th....12th of November.June 18, 2009 10:39 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Is she getting worse?
Sharon Bowers has been playing "dress up." First she dressed up as a newspaper journalist for the Niagara Falls Review, and then as Uncle Sam for the democratic primaries and now as an activist for the Buffalo News, but she states she's not trying to call attention to herself. All of this is a desperate plea, especially now since her brother has died.
God, I hope she gets her operation or whatever she needs because her internal conflict is starting to make my skin crawl.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Another paranoid rampage
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The New A.A.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Nice While It Lasted
Obviously, and we've known it for a long-time, you just can't trust anything she says. Words simply spew from her poisoned mind to suit every occasion.
Don't bother trying to infuse the Crystal Beach Strand with any thoughtful discussion. Don't bother being deleted or insulted as an asskissing co-conspirator in the Great Cover Up. Just post it here. Save the insults.
Hopefully, we can create a forum for positive debate.
First topic: Bay Beach
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Poolitzer Prize winner implodes
That troubling piece of news caused me to think about the future of the Strand and frankly, I'm ready to throw the
towel in and walk away from it all. The Thunder Bay/Ridgeway Shores golf club couldn't be saved; the so-called
Rwanda development sits in mute mockery to the people who protested clear-cutting during nesting season; the Bay
Beach Properties will be developed in a so-called "partnership" that the people have had or will have little say in how
it is done; and a marina will cut into a beautiful vista and neighbourhood along the Niagara Parkway and nothing can
be done - or will be done - to stop it.
Meanwhile, the administration of the town of Fort Erie operates on its own closed agenda and nothing or no one is
able to make it accountable. People who know "where the bodies are buried" are afraid to come forward; others
refuse to get involved and others, who go to the authorities or challenge the status quo get called names; get
stonewalled. Council meetings are a travesty of disrespect for certain councillors and certain presenters; the scripted
responses and votes infuriate and sadden people who care about the future of this town, while the local press is
hampered in what it can report because they have advertisers to please. My premature report of the closing of a
local newspaper is only that: premature. Print media is under threat because it is just too expensive to print and
circulate hard copies of the news - especially a weekly newspaper whose news is somewhat obsolete even before it
hits the street. I looked to the Huffington Post as my model for what the Strand could be and I succeeded on a much
smaller scale. Recent financial hits have made me very aware of the amount of unpaid time I spend on this newsblog.
I simply can't afford to continue. I have had to return to work; my fixed income is just not enough to make ends meet
even though I live very frugally and have for years.
It may just be a sabbatical, this walking away. Hopefully, others will continue to beat their heads against the brick
wall. Right now, I've got nothing but a big headache..
Let's all bow our heads for a moment ..... then dance a little jig.
The Little Theatre
Monday, February 16, 2009
Lookout Below -- Dumpers On The Loose

The UnaBlogger is DEFINITELY NOT anal retentive. This is just too special. Read her recollection of:
a) the time her BFF Helen couldn't hold her bowel and took a dump in a planter
b) how the two of them go walking on the Friendship Trail with toilet paper and defecate -- on public property -- and don't even bother to "scoop."
c) how the Unablogger shit her pants at the video store.
It's all right here.
Call the cops. Call the Ombudsman. Call the bylaw office. This is just too much.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
AGAIN With The Violent Threats
Recently posted here and it too needs its own post:
This is the kind of vigilantism that Unablogger perpetuates on her blog everyday. To encourage violent retribution against municipal staff and government, for alleged offences concocted in her own dillusional mind, is sick! When a group of vigilantes pledges to commit crimes, and places itself above the law, its members risk becoming perverted and unrestrained in their beliefs and actions.(ie. her and her sick band of loyal followers are a hairs breadth away from actually committing a violent act. Law enforcement, town staff, Mayor and Council, please take note) Violence (which is portrayed as vigilantism) is against the law and strong messages need to be provided that it is not tolerated.
The following text SHOULD BE forwarded to the appropriate authorities! I encourage all to save copies of her rambling vitriol as well as those of her contributors whom she is ultimately responsible for.
"A note to the town Staff.
If you have been a part of this YOU WILL BE DEALT WITH!
If you think by resigning you will escape, dream on.
Once the new mayor and council is in place(and there WILL be a new Mayor and council) you WILL Be hunted down and brought to justice by the people of this town.
You crimminals have already lost!
It's just a matter of time."
I used to think she was insane and mostly harmless. I am now convinced she is criminally insane and a risk to offend. So much anger at certain individuals under the guise of "holding people accountable". A message to all...Get her the help she needs or suffer the inevitable consequences.February 11, 2009 2:26 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Recently got this post
- Anonymous said...
Just sent this thought that you could put it on this blog as well.
"If you are ROTFLyAO it will take an incredibly long time. But you should be able to lose half your body weight when you are done. Still be ugly though!"
Who gave that bitch the right to take pictures of children on the street and post them on the internet. The principal of my kids school is definitely going to here about this and the school board too.
October 31, 2009 9:43 AM