Saturday, December 20, 2008
Stay on topic please
Speaking of which: it seems as if they're not blowing quite so hard into her fart hole to make it come out her pie hole. Winter beards interfere with the seal I guess.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Here's the whole Watergate story
Deep Throat is dead
Here's how the New York Times reported it.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
She's in her element
Christmas is the season of light. We hope she sees it and walks straight towards it.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Shoes off for the new U.S. senator
Friday, November 28, 2008
If Unablogger Hates It, Good Enough For Me
I can't think of any better endorsement of him than to be disliked by the Unablogger.
And speaking of endorsements, it's too bad about that new restaurant in Crystal Beach, the South Coast Cookout. It got the Unablogger's seal of approval otherwise known as the kiss of death.
People, we can still save the restaurant in spite of Unablogger's curse. Please go down and patronize the place. Whoever owns it is trying real hard and God knows they don't deserve the stench of Unablogger's endorsement.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Dear Finaly Awake In Fort Erie
Anonymous said...------------------------------------------
I went to the "other blog" site you pointed out.
Never have I seen such a childish blog.
It seems Editor that you hit a nerve with this bunch.
All they seem to do is attack anyone who tries to do good in this Town.
From Papadakis's charities fire truck to Richard Berry and many more.
Nowhere in this vile blog do they offer any disscusion or insight to the issues of Fort Erie.
Keep up the good work Editor. Many people like myself have realized what a mistake we made in the last election.
Frankly I hope ALL of the past candidates run again, I for one will donate my time to them.
Finaly Awake In Fort Erie
November 21, 2008 12:03 PM
Dear Finaly Awake In Fort Erie,
Please explain why this recent post was deleted by the Citizen Urinalist:
I apologize for no one. Why is it that people who disagree with you or who point out your errors are apologists for the mayor or are otherwise insulted and their remarks are censored? Seems to me free speech to you means freedom to agree with you and you freely attack people quite viciously without cause.
If assessments are increased, the tax rate could very well go down, yet the levy could increase and if the levy is increased more than the assessment growth allows the individual tax bill will increase. There's important definitions that you are obviously unaware of, and since you don't personally get an assessment notice or a tax bill, I wouldn't expect you to understand. But people who do understand are vilified.
My tax bill did not increase 22 per cent in the past two years and neither did anyone else's I know, and believe me, when the bills came in, we all compared.
If you even tried to deal with the real information and not your wishes that everyone is corrupt to give you a reason to be enraged, you might get some respect.
This was in response to:
The Editor said...
Oh, I got it all right. You are certainly earning your keep as the mayor's apologist. The proof will be revealed when everyone's taxes go up. I'm just trying to shed light as to how they'll justify the rate increase. Still waiting for meaningful cuts at town haul.
November 10, 2008 11:46 AM
Your comments are exactly what could be said about the Unablogger's little Piss Parade, replacing names of course. It was the Unablogger that started this and it was the Unablogger who challenged those who challenged her unsubstantiated and false accusations to start their own blog. That challenge was accepted. This blog does not pretend to discuss the "issues." This blog conforms 100% to its purpose that is written in the header. If you don't like it, I suggest you get Unablogger to change her ways. But she won't, because she is an obstinant, unapologetic, miserable old cow under the care of a psychiatrist.
Unablogger is free to have her blog and discuss her issues. It is tantamountly disgraceful and disgusting to call people crooks, cowards, alcoholics, wife beaters and more and absolutely appalling to call for them to be assaulted, murdered or that they should commit suicide.
All the Unablogger has to do is show the proof of her allegations or recant and apologize in writing and in public, maybe even at a town council meeting on TV so that I can see it. That's it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
But wait . . . isn't that what she wanted?
A comment on a previous thread here said:
Monday, November 17, 2008
Is that some kind of threat?
Anonymous said...
Wilson should do the best thing that he can do for his whole family and that is to get outta dodge.
November 17, 2008 6:43 PM
Is that supposed to be some kind of threat?
The page has been saved and archived.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Ancient Journalistic Secret
Here's what she wrote:
Ann Marie Noyes tried to get council to set guidelines for the tax
rate increase as well as increases to water and sewer rates, but
her motions were defeated. In the meantime, the town
administration's mouthpiece/blogger has already let the cat out
of the bag: the budget for 2009 will be $15 million. Part of the
reason given for the defeat of Noyes's motion was that it was
premature, yet someone in town hall has revealed what the
budget will be before it is even discussed.
"Budget discussions will begin very soon and council
needed to set dates it will meet to deliberate on how to
spend nearly $15 million."
Mike Cloutier
Cloutier assailed Councillor Noyes for reporting that she
cannot be in attendance at certain budget meetings because of
a family trip to Disney World. As if there's something wrong
with that. At least the taxpayers aren't paying for it - like the
Dubai Debacle.
Did I say nearly $15 million, I meant over $15 million. And that was a rough estimate based on my memory of the 2008 budget deliberations. In actuality it's over $16 million -- $16.3 million to be more exact is projected for 2009. That figure is from Appendix A to Administrative Report CS-34-08, submitted to council on Oct. 20. I suppose since Frau Popinfresh doesn't know something, it's some kind of big secret.
I'm so good, the Deluded Deleter thinks I have "inside" information. She might think that all I do is pick my nose, scratch my ass, contort myself like I have "some Biblical disease", eat my happy meals (actually it used to be Bacon Cheeseburgers), dream about my next frosty cold delicious beer and wish for a Deep Throat to find me. In fact, I pay attention to council proceedings.
What's wrong with Ann-Marie Noyes' plans for a Disney World holiday? Those two weeks, combined with Martha Lockwood's absence the week following U.S. Thanksgiving means budget deliberations are pushed back three weeks. So instead of budget meetings ending in February -- give or take a couple of weeks for what might lay ahead -- they'll end in mid-March offering very little to no opportunity for reconsideration.
On top of that, councillors will have to wrap their heads around new accounting procedures called Tangible Asset Valuation beginning in 2009. The quaint term "infrastructure gap" that Noyes and others have used will now be shown on a balance sheet and it will likely show an unbalanced or deficit position, the same as every other municipality in Ontario. I can hear the raving now.
Meanwhile, Noyes will be soaking up sun in Florida instead of wrestling a budget that is associated with the single biggest change in the way municipalities manage their finances in the 25 years I've been covering municipal councils here and elsewhere. That's what's wrong.
If the rest of council behaved the way Sharon Bowers and Ann-Marie Noyes like to say they do, they would have said, "You're not going to be here: too bad." And they should have.
Excuse me now, I have a will-not to exorcise.
Friday, November 14, 2008
She can dish it but can't take it
"I have been called a terrorist, a cheat, a thief, and various and sundry other things that, in the opinion of legal council is slanderous, but too expensive to take to court," she writes. Then you can see the quandary others are in.
She did not seek legal counsel. If she had, legal counsel would have said it is "defamatory" and potentially "libellous" not "slanderous."
False address? Tell that to the domain registration company.
Whois Record
Domain Name..........
Creation Date........ 2007-06-02
Registration Date.... 2007-06-02
Expiry Date.......... 2009-06-02
Organisation Name.... SHARON BOWERS
Organisation Address. P.O. BOX 501
Organisation Address. 311 Bertie Place
Organisation Address. RIDGEWAY
Organisation Address. L0S1N0
Organisation Address. ON
Organisation Address. CANADA
Admin Name........... SHARON BOWERS
Admin Address........ P.O. BOX 501
Admin Address........ 311 Bertie Place
Admin Address........ RIDGEWAY
Admin Address........ L0S1N0
Admin Address........ ON
Admin Address........ CANADA
Admin Email..........
Admin Phone.......... +1.9059920105
Admin Fax............
Citizen Urinalist is well within her rights to publish the truth about people handling the public's affairs. She is not within her rights to express defamatory and false information. She is not within her rights to hold private citizens up for ridicule.
"They find it much easier to smear the voice of dissent than to just do a good job," she also writes.
"And to my detractors: Bring it on! As long as you're attacking me, you're giving The Strand recognition - which is a very, very good thing."
No problem.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Double-dipping dipshit
Two important documents allow her to float under the welfare and taxation radar, a Canadian Social Insurance Number and a U.S. Social Security Number.
With the SIN she can open one bank account into which her welfare and other government payments are deposited. She can open another account under her American identity with the SSN which can remain separate from the Canadian account and transactions are hidden from cursory examinations of her Canadian tax forms.
The payments she is receiving from her patrons in order to conduct her slander campaigns is funneled into the account of the U.S. persona and no one is the wiser. It's not a huge amount, but enough.
As she said herself $525 a month is barely enough to live on yet she can afford to operate a car, have high-speed internet, cable TV (HBO no less), a cell phone, a land line, a bad Oreo habit, and all the over the counter meds she can wash down with Nyquil as she goes from drug store to drug store all across the peninsula.
Her patrons know all about laundering money with $5,000 ditching jobs, $500 oil changes and $50 photocopies and gifts in kind, like a full tank of gas now and then, a run out to the pharmacy and a connection with the NRP to run private citizens through the cop computer, which are logged by the way.
It's been said before, and it'll be said again, Citizen Urinalist takes everything about herself and projects it on others. She is calling unwanted attention on her patrons when all she wants is her own attention and a lot of people will be dragged down with her.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How hard do they blow?
The most interesting one so far is this:
"How hard does Richard Berry and those guys have to blow into your ass to make it come out your mouth?"
Friday, September 19, 2008
Unablogger begins begging campaign
"Your Editor/PITA is asking for a little help here to keep this on-line newsblog going. I do not solicit ads; I am not receiving money from any entity to do this. I want The Strand to stay that way. When you've got nothing to lose, you gain great freedom and courage to print the controversial - and the provocative. Two years from now, the voters of Fort Erie will be heading to the polls to choose a mayor and council. The Strand is committed to making sure that every eligible voter is aware of the "other side" of the issues - not the version put forth by the present town administration. I know that an informed voter will be a voter for change. We must replace the present mayor and council with people who represent the people - not the special interests who are now running this town - into the ground. Your donation will be strictly confidential."Our advice, get a job.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Name that turd
Citizen Urinalist sounds pretty clever, Great Logician is good too. Fraulein Pop 'n' Fresh, Madame Manic Depressive, Queen Turd, Osama Bin Bowers, Faulty Bowers, Penelope Projectionist.
There's got to be a million ---- a little help here would be nice.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
How much are they paying her?
Her hero blogger Joe Illuzi and his website were featured in Buffalo News a few years ago, reprinted here.
This of course begs the question of how much are the people she praises paying her . . . there's the scandal. How much is she getting paid to trash others in the style of Illuzi? When that story breaks, hoowee!
Believe you me, Unablogger has the moral compass of a common maggot.
Friday, August 22, 2008
A clue to Unablogger's sociopathy
The latest clue is her rag-o-meter and her inability to read another person's emotional response. She says that someone who blushes is enraged, not realizing there is a whole gamut of emotions that can cause someone's face to blush.
If you want to see rage, experience the Unablogger herself. Read her shit: it's all there.
It's been said before--projection people, pure projection.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Don't download the video
Just a friendly warning because people aren't careful with their computers and personal information these days.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Class-action suit in works
This well-dressed nice smelling person said that since she is hinting that she will expose this "major" coverup but doesn't state whom, everybody is now under a cloud of suspicion. This source said it's grounds for a class-action lawsuit.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Only six weeks
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Time is running out
To make it all legal, first write a registered letter to whatever address you have for her.
Indicate you want an unequivocal retraction and apology for the statement(s). You should quote or include a hard copy of the web page and the date you became aware of the statement.
Date your letter, sign it and send it.
Step 2: wait, but not too long.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Oh God, No!
" (If all goes according to plan, I will be eligible to vote as well.)"
Is she applying for citizenship?
Great! We send them Peter Jennings, Henry Champ, Sheila MacVicar and others (all Canadian journalists), and we get . . .
I guess there's no sense keeping American citizenship because U.S. social security won't pay the freight. There's a scam in there. Believe it.
We must mobilize. Would someone please check the election records. Dollars to donuts, she has voted illegally. Federal crime equals no chance.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Friday, August 1, 2008
Same old song and psycho dance
Anonymous said...
All I ever hear from the Unablogger is how Town Hall is corrupt. Town staff are corrupt. The Mayor and certain Councillors are corrupt. How plans are in the works to uncover all the lies. how the Town is bankrupt. How all the media outlets all over the country are secretly poised to pounce on the Town of Fort Erie and uncover the greatest scandal since Nixon's impeachment. Well, I have waited and waited and still unabloggers army of winged little monkeys has failed to deliver on any of her insane, drug induced predictions. But I will continue to wait. I will wait because the laws of probability tell us she can't possibly be wrong 100% of the time, can she? Well it seems the simple answer is yes. We are dealing with a freak of nature, an abomination. A mind lacking the proper firing sequences of the appropriate synapses. In simple terms, the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top. In her case it would be lucky to get out of the basement. But you go on unablogger. You keep making your predictions and giving your honest opinions. You keep doing what it is you do. After all, the world needs a bit of laughter.
August 1, 2008 12:46 PM
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It's a special someone's birthday
Hmm, let's see, that makes her a Cancer, how appropriate. She's only one year away from the magic 65 and old age security payments from the government's chest. But do us hard-working, taxpaying citizens get a thanks. Noooooo. Just more shit, lovingly sculpted in a whole new pile everyday.
She'll be posting something nostalgic. Wait for it. It'll be about dear old dad, or about going down on the Johnson administration in a closet of the student newspaper at SUNY Buffalo, or tripping through the Beach or the one story she wrote for The Downtowner that made her so proud.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The real "failed Five"
- Posted as comment earlier
Anonymous said...
In response to unabloggers latest attempt to defend the embarassing conduct of Pudgy Tommy Lewis at Council...
I was at the meeting you kook! And there was no level of frustration by the time Lewis got to the podium. All the presenters were a pleasure to listen to and there was plenty of laughs and a feel goog attitude about how things were going. Enter Tom Lewis and his manufactured frustration (for dramatic effect). Stop defending little Tommy. He's the disgrace not Council. And I will suggest that the true members of your "failed Five" are Lewis, Berry, Koutroulakis, Brunton, and Papadakis. It least their failures are well known and documented!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Insane asylum proposed for Bay Beach
"That's where all the whack jobs are, and everybody wants it in public hands, so it just seems to make sense," said a reliable source not associated in anyway whatsoever with the NHS, the town or anything.
Messed up over Amusement Park
Anonymous said...
This was in response to her latest response to an editorial about the bay beach development proposal.
If I hear about the crystal beach amusement park one more time, I'll lose my mind, much like the editor already has. The amusement park was a privately owned business and as such the owners disposed of the properties to serve there needs, not yours! Why didn't you and your merry band of nutcases buy the property if you were so concerned and passionate about the lands. Probablly because it's awful tough to get a bank loan while collecting welfare. Maybe you don't want change because you aspire to mediocrity. "Crystal Beach is a carney town", and you are the lead carney. Now all of a sudden the editor is an economist (just another one of her multiple personalities), and this lowly blog editor is going to convince the massess why development won't work. Now I've seen everything!July 18, 2008 9:47 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
Meltdown Anyone?
If a television broadcast of a town council meeting leaves her "kicking and screaming" as she wrote once, we wonder what this is doing to do to her, especially when Citizen Urinalist only got a fraction of the ink he got.
Luckily Stuart's is under new ownership so she can stock up on Tylenol PM and Nyquil. That should quell the seizures.
Do you think she's going to launch another anti-PBA tirade, a pseudo-Mencken poison epistle, a wannbe Woodward expose of her demented fucked-uppedness, an "I'll be there" monologue, the snorts of a white whale beached on the crystal sands of her delusions and paranoia.
Naah, she won't. Not now.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Hey -- garbage is regional!
She's given up associating every Italian with the mafia and is now after Germans. And there's the usual "hush-hush" and "overheard" talk by town employees about jobs being screwed up and using computers to surf e-Bay and The Strand.
Low-hanging fruit. How about low-hanging nuts.
The facts are these
- This was recently posted as a comment here. Canuck
Anonymous said...
As someone she regularly attacks , I for one tried to set the record straight but gave up after noticing that she would not post my comments. The facts are: she did the midnight run from the apts I manage still owing several months of rent.FACT. it was mr Lewis who helped her move.FACT. This person also left mounds of filth and garbage that had to be hauled away.FACT. Before she moved to CB she did the same thing to another person in Ridgeway.FACT.
After several of her personal attacks on me I would respond with the above yet she would not post these facts. There are so many other FACTS that I could comment on but it would fill this page and then some. This "thing" that we are now calling the UNBLOGGER needs to be stopped. I for one would like to go to the C.Meeting on July 21 but i am afraid she will call the police if i get near her.. She thinks I am going to attack her with a kitchen utensil... lol.. no .. just my facts !.. that is the only way I am going to attack her! JPJuly 7, 2008 5:48 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Deconstructing Unablogger's Logic
In Fort Erie, $11,245,000 of tax money (that number is highly inflated by the Unablogger, but it doesn't matter) is used to pay employees in a town of 30,000. That's $374.83 per person.
So what's the problem, Unablogger? Looks to me Fort Erie's getting a deal. According to Unablogger, Fort Erie has too many staff for a town of 30,000, but she uses a comparison which is actually higher to prove her point.
Um, yes, her US education included university level logic. The question is did she pass the course?
Hello Mensa? I've got a candidate for you.
By the way, she writes that she complains about everything because she loves this place. "When you love something, set it free." Please.
The Great Logician
Blogger The Editor said...
My US education included university level logic and the previous poster to yours says it all regarding the comparison of a city like Welland (pop. 50,000) with far more services to a town of 30,000. Comparing our 41% salary percentage to the 40% salary percentage in Welland strictly on that basis is an example of common practice of those who wish to obfuscate the real issue: Fort Erie has an overage of staff for its size and the services needed. The ratio of staff to residents in Fort Erie is the part that's overblown. Too bad council allowed STAFF to shoot down Bob Steckley's motion for an efficiency study of town staff.
July 2, 2008 10:55 AM
Let's just read that, let it simmer after we get up off the floor from all the laughing ... this is going to be fun. Next thing you know, she'll be telling us she's in Mensa.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Unablogger, meet Unabomber

Since she chooses to engage in terrorism, intimidation, extortion and harassment, we've given Blogger the Editor a new name -- The Unablogger. Here's her picture. If there are any Photoshop artists out there, have at it. I recall a Photoshopped picture of Sandy Annunziata she published which serves as a precedent.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Sez who?
"The Bay Beach Properties will be sold. The Town needs the money."
The reason, she goes on to state, is the town needs the money to pay its staff. Let's get this straight, according to Blogger the Editor -- sell capital to pay expenses. Is it any doubt she has failed in business more than once?
Last time we heard, she was busy selling someone else's capital to pay her expenses. That's what we heard at coffee shop anyway.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Who is this kook?
Wow, I've refrained from posting to this fucktarded bleating blog for some time now, but lately the rhetoric has reached historic levels. I feel compelled to voice my opinion of it, even at the risk of the slim chance that someone might give this piece of net-turd some validity. Now, I know "The so-called Editor" will remove my post almost immediately, so

Now, I've been on the internet for quite some time and seen my share of idiotic net-kookery, but this so-called blog takes the cake. It's slanderous commentary, and twisting of reality indicates a deep seeded mental instability in "The so-called Editor". I mean, who is this kook? Does she work for the region? Does she even work? Or is she an immigrant with a weak (and quite fragile) claim on ODSP? I won't say that she has the mental abilities of a deer tick, because she can string words together (although her grammar leaves something to be desired), and post those words to a forum that is largely ignored by the masses. She does have other qualities of the deer tick though, burrowing, and sucking the life force out of anyone (myself included) that gets wind of her lies and grandstanding. I am sure Hillary's campaign is better off now that she was involved!
Now, why would I care you ask? I am wrestling with that question myself. Why would anyone care if an unemployed geriatric so called editor, blathers and rants with twisted facts and outright lies? Well I am pretty bored here on vacation in Iran, so I thought I'd stir the pot a little. I just don't understand how someone's "reliable sources" can be so unreliable, I mean, the conjecture here is just astounding.
Not only does the "so called editor" attempt to convince people that the council members are corrupt, thieves and all around incompetent, she also outright lies about what they say and do, and all this, in print. Simply amazing. I mean, claiming that one councillor was not somewhere, when in fact, she was, and many people saw her, is a sign that her mental instability and need for attention has reached critical mass. Also implying that hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer's money has "disappeared" just because she doesn't know where it went 38 years ago is borderline psychotic.
If she thinks speaking ill of the dead is bad, why does she have so much trouble refraining from it? Why does she constantly bash those living and dead, when she has no clue or substantiation of her claims? She never lied to Lorraine? Wow, that would be the only person that she was honest with. Of course she could always say that any inconsistencies in her facts were from her reliable sources right?
I do have a suggestion for you. The town councillors do not think that "we" are that stupid, it's just you. Do you wonder why you only got 1 comment on that post? No one cares what you think. Do they care that you plagiarize other media outlets? NO! Do they care that you are barely smart enough to rename your images so that no one can find out where you copied them from? NO! I think Ridgeway's charm problem only has one cure, please, stop breathing. Do us all a favour and use your talents to some constructive end. Why don't you run for office, your strong following on your blog should be enough to sway the vote your way. Question for you though, how many times have you posted in the comments section of your own blog, with an anonymous posting?
Now, there have been a very few occasions that you have had good ideas, but instead of using proper channels to funnel them through, gaining support for them with traditional methods, you choose to post them online, shrouding them in your kooky blog. This totally obliterates any real valid thought you have. I mean seriously, do you really believe that your are some sort of "investigative journalist" or or something? Real journalists use real methods and real sources, not gossip and conjecture. How many times have you said things, and not substantiated the claim at all. Every time someone does totally decimate your position, you conveniently delete the posting, then change the subject.
If you know what it takes to make this area a living thriving place, by all means, do what you need to do to accomplish this, but I will give you a hint, ranting on the net will not get you a seat on council.
The Serial Loser -- don't stare

People who have been subjected to Blogger the Editor's cyber harassment have been asking, "who is she?" We've been able to piece together some bits here and there from what she's written and from information submitted but not posted here including this picture. Apparently she was a columnist for the Niagara Falls Review in 1991 but got canned for reasons we can only guess at judging by her conduct lately...lying, exaggerating, insulting, threatening, using the column to fight her personal beefs, berating the editor, backstabbing, etc., etc. Apparently she tried to print a newspaper afterward but was not even able to give away advertising. Getting a copy of that would be really interesting.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
The Case of the Serial Loser
This speaks to her in such a perfect way. It means "pleasure derived from another person's misfortune". Isn't that special. She gets pleasure from other's misfortunes. Does it make her tingle in those tingly spots?
When there's no misfortune around, she likes to stir some up. Her problem is that she finds a great amount of pain in another's success. She shits on people who are successful and that causes her pain. It's the signature of a serial loser. A 63-year-old spinster with no accomplishements to call her own. She's learned to live on the Canadian welfare system, she's learned to steal from others...I guess those are accomplishements.
She feels a dire sense of alienation and she fulfills her own prophecy "I am alienated, therefore I will alienate myself, anyone who tries to help me will be bitten. See how alienated I am."
There will be nothing left when she's gone. It's all a cold vacuum. Her birthday is coming up in July, let's get her a present. Let's all be miserable for one day and make her feel better.
Supreme Court rules on "fair comment"
Read the story.
"An individual's reputation is not to be treated as regrettable but unavoidable roadkill on the highway of public controversy, but nor should an overly solicitous regard for personal reputation be permitted to 'chill' freewheeling debate on matters of public interest," Mr. Justice Ian Binnie said.
Generally it allows people, in this case a radio commentator, to express exaggerated opinions if there is an "honest belief" that the facts are true.
The legal tests the court set out to determine "honest belief" include:
The comment must be on a matter of public interest.
It must be based on fact.
Although it can include inferences of fact, the comment must be recognizable as comment.
It must be capable of satisfying the question: Could any person honestly express that opinion on the proved facts?
The fact remains that Blogger the Editor is a lying, mentally-ill, drug-addled douche bag.If you look at that sentence, douche bag is the exaggerated opinion based on provable facts that she is a liar, has written extensively about being mentally ill and was "suitably medicated" in preparing to watch a TV broadcast of a town council meeting. She has made herself into a person of some minor public interest. Therefore, the comment is fair.
Friday, June 27, 2008
She must be stopped!
Recently I have been attacked once again regarding my life style and my profession. I am so tired of her "chit" that I am very close to filing a claim against the one and only. I just do not understand her attacks on me and the rest of the CBIA board.We do not have a hidden adgenda.. we do not have time for that. We are doing nothing wrong. I am a licenced Paralegal and a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada . My # is P03030 and have had to write several exams , and pay my fee's and dues just like any other lawyer. I provide legal services to many.
I am sick and tired of her calling me the "so called or sometime paralegal"..
We need to stop this woman.
What about that lawsuit, Miss (ahem) Editor?
We also would like to see the "2 or 3 boxes" of evidence regarding the Bay Beach issue.
Blogger the Editor is going to be held to account in every way she (a non-citizen of Canada) holds others accountable whether they are our elected officials or private citizens.
Blogger the Editor has been allowed to perform her little shit dance, and it's a shitstorm she's going to get, even at the risk of giving her the validation she so obviously needs.
Please read the comment in the previous post and thanks for the writing assistance.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Do they think we're that stupid?!!!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Sharon: textbook projectionist
- This also was posted recently as a comment here
- Mike Cloutier said...
Dear Canuck,
Regarding your note to me today on my website, I am aware of the blog that has prompted the Crystal Beach Stranded and the person responsible for it. Yes, I will provide you any information I have.
No, I won't participate from my website in any of the pissing matches Sharon wants to start despite her false accusations against me and her attempts to incite me.
She has also taken to going after some people only because of their association with me -- not because they have any role in whatever abuse she feels she is suffering from government or society as a whole. Her criminal harassment has extended beyond the limited readership of her blog to other venues. This is why I have decided to post here and why I am happy to provide assistance in my areas of professional expertise pro buono. However, I am quite busy with a pair of part-time jobs, freelance assignments and consulting engagements as well as preparation of The Herald.
Unfortunately, I am not able to provide you some of documentation I have accumulated: the only people who will see it are those who can legally obligate me to surrender them.
Yes, I will accept your advertising in both the hard copy edition of The Herald and the website The Herald Online. My fees are very reasonable. As you can probably tell by Sharon's tirades, my newspaper is very influential.
There's a couple of errors recently posted about me in her blog:
First, that the stories I wrote were related to Tom Lewis' employer's work for the Friendship Centre. This is false. In fact, the stories were about his failure to declare conflicts of interest as it related to the development of a neighbourhood plan for Bridgeburg and his employment with a planning firm engaged by the Ambassador Bridge project. You can find the stories in the hard copy edition of The Herald at and
Second, that Mayor Doug Martin gave me a ride home after the council meeting. That too is false. Whoever was observing, whether John Gilmour, Costa Koutroulakis or Bob Steckley who was the last councillor I saw leave the building as I was interviewing Martin, got it wrong. In fact Martin was tasked with locking up the building and did so after I left with my bike. Not that I wouldn't accept a ride with the mayor. I have driven with him and others on more than one occasion in periods of severe weather or when I had some questions.
Bear this in mind as you develop this blog:
Logic and truth may not prevail in Sharon's world, but it does in the real world and in the legal world.
Also, understand that Sharon's behaviour is a text book case of psychological projection. Here's the Wikipedia entry on projection:
That is all I have for now. When you get your art set up -- I need it 260 pixels wide by about 75 pixels high for the website, but I'll put together the hard copy business card version -- let me know and I'll get things set up for you.
Mike Cloutier
You're Welcome!
- This was posted here as a comment recently:
- Anonymous said...
Thank god!.. someone who will speak the truth . I for one am sick and tired of being under her wrath!.. The same with Crystal Beach...she was run out of here, that is why she hates us for doing what we are doing .. Voluntering and doing what we can to help the Town of Fort Erie thrive!.. She has bad mouthed me .. accused me ... oh i have to watch out .. my blood preasure is getting to me.!.. i will write more later .. i have sooooo much to say.. THANK YOU .. THANK YOU WHOEVER YOU ARE !!!
May 6, 2008 7:19 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Been deleted or censored? Post Here
This is the forum to air your posts that have been censored and deleted. Just make sure you copy and paste when you try to post something on the "Deleter's" Blog also known as The Crystal Beach Strand so that you can post it here. Some comments that she won't allow will even be made into separate posts.
Fight fire with water and hose her down. Posts on this blog sometimes take a while to publish. The good stuff always takes a little longer.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hello Big Brother
So if you want information you would normally keep private to find its way into the hate mongering hands of our favorite lump of lard, by all means visit the Crystal Beach Strand.
This blog remains 100% private.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Cops are going after Sharon
So when Herr Deleter posts comments that "I think someone should tie a rock around every Fort Erie City Hall staff and politician and toss them in the Niagara River" it would be worth investigating.
When she posts comments that individual citizens should be stalked, assaulted and "if they're murdered they had it coming" or they "should take a long walk off a short pier" it's clearly an illegal act.
When she accuses people of criminal acts, that is illegal too.
That hole she is digging is getting deeper. No amount of Prozac, Paxil or Percodan is going to help her.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Just do it.
Blogger The Editor said...
Confidential to whomever is threatening to close this blog down because I have been rejecting comments made by this person - mainly because they are inane and off-topic. Mostly, they are one or two word insults. Anyway, this person is threatening to go to Google to complain and she hopes to get the blog shut down. It just shows that the comments posted on this blog are hitting home and there is fear that we're getting under their very thin skins. Please keep those comments coming. You are making a difference!
April 2, 2008 11:39 AM
Notice how she shoots out "confidentials" to people that she doesn't allow to defend themselves in her blog, so we just get her comment. Who's got the thin skin? Who's making inane and off topic remarks? We're ready for your implosion Madame Manic Depressive.
Harpie Expands Her War
Anonymous said...
Sharon I know this won't be posted and this is just for your eyes only, but why would you bring up this dirty laundry when you yourself, have some that I'm sure you wouldn't want on any blog, the money that your borrowed from the Ridgeway Lioness Club, which you never repaid, it's sad that you've lowered yourself to this, I don't know you personally but people do say you were/are a smart woman, what a waste....
April 1, 2008 2:48 PM
Blogger The Editor said...
Thanks for your update, Mrs. W. Didn't know you were had permission to see confidential Lioness records. Do you make it a point to air the names of those that the Ridgeway Lioness Club so graciously helps? Be careful; those are confidential records and, as such, as not to be made public. There are many people who approached the Lioness for help and were given that help anonymously. Do you plan to "out" them as well? You might remember that I was a member long before you blew into town. Shame on you for using a charity group's confidential information to get back at someone. I will be removing your heinous breach of confidentiality after I forward it to someone from the Lioness who was a member when I was.
April 1, 2008 4:56 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sorry Sharon, I'm not Mrs. W
I'm just someone that heard that story, actually from a few people, along with a few other stories that people like sharing about you. It bothers me that you have no problem bashing other people, when your not so innocent yourself.
April 1, 2008 5:35 PM
Blogger The Editor said...
As innocent as you are, repeating untrue gossip? I will match my reputation and integrity against yours and anyone else's on any day of the week. Just because I write a blog where I give my opinion and report facts as well as rumours (and identify them as such) does not make me a criminal. What makes someone a criminal IMHO opinion is someone who misuses a public trust, be it as a bingo convener; or an elected official whether they are ever caught or not. Someone who accepts a generous gift from a charity is not a criminal. It is a person with a need and one who is grateful for the help through a very difficult time. What is wrong with you that you have a problem with that? Hopefully, you never find yourself in a bad situation and have to ask for help. This is far from the end of this.
April 1, 2008 5:59 PM
Fraulein Pop N Fresh has declared a war against the Ridgeway Lionesses and has included a challenge to stack her reputation and integrity against anyone. I guess first we have to determine if a positive or negative reputation wins and if having integrity or not having integrity is the goal.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Sharon for mayor!
- Anonymous said...
I think someone should tie a rock around every Fort Erie City Hall staff and politician and toss them in the Niagara River.
If they don't surface, then start over ...... Sharon for Mayor .....yeah !!!!April 1, 2008 12:47 PM
The Editor said...
This is an April Fool's joke, right? While I don't agree about throwing anyone into the Niagara River with a rock attached, I can understand the frustration that many have with the current administration. The biggest joke would be me running for mayor. I am not qualified nor eligible at this time. There are others who would do a much better job than the present mayor and they are qualified. Too bad, we all have to wait almost three years to see a change. Make no mistake about it, I will be working very hard for anyone who has the integrity and the chance to beat the present administration. In a previous life, I was the background organizer and adviser on several campaigns in the US. I will offer my services and expertise to see a new regime in Town Haul.
April 1, 2008 1:07 PM
- ----
- Of course the "Backroom Operative" will want her share of the pie -- Official Organ Grinder of the New Reich
Monday, March 31, 2008
Let's Play The Name Game
Sharon's other ego
Sharon's drug adled ego
Sharon's vodka soaked ego
Sharon's wounded inner child
The Brain
Doctor Doolittle
Mommy Dearest
The Polish Prince
His half-baked Toronto flunky
............any more?????
Here are items we know not to be true
"taxpayers of Fort Erie will wake up to a combined tax rate hike of close to 12%. "
It's a combined tax hike of 4 %
"Eagle Castings"
Eagle Castings was closed and abandoned many years ago. It's Peninsula Alloys.
"See report/letter to editor from someone who was at the final budget meeting."
John Gilmour was not at the meeting.
The beach is not for sale. Never has been and never will. The town wants proposals to make back some of the $2,ooo,000.00 of my money it spent on the purchase of the property and the $400,000.00 of my money it has invested in improvements to satisfy Crystal Beach residents, fencing, prevent sand erosion and build parking lots.
If this new bylaw passes in the next few weeks is that going to mean her good friend J. Papadakis is goin to have to move his fire truck. Maybe this is why she is so against what is in the bylaw. Just trying to protect the next Fort Erie Fire Dept? Just a thought.
November 19, 2008 3:06 PM